pregnant ❥

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"Oh my god..." You whisper to yourself as you look at the two pink lines on the pregnancy test .

"What am I going to tell Ethan?" You begin to panic in your bathroom, pacing back and forth.

"Y/N? Baby?" Ethan knocks on the door making your eyes go wide.

"Oh god" You thought to yourself as you continue to pace around the bathroom.

"You've been in there a while, Y/N" Ethan says in a worried tone, "Open the door..."

"Yeah," You say, composing yourself, "I'm coming."

You hide the pregnancy test behind your back and open the door, giving Ethan the most convincing smile you could muster.

"I'm fine!" You say and he narrows his eyes at you.

"Yeah..." He starts, "You're hiding something. What is it?" He asks and you mentally start to panic again.

"Should I tell him?" You ask yourself and decide against it for now.

"I'm not hiding anything, E." You say casually, leaning against the doorframe.

"Yeah right, come on, Y/N, tell me." He says and you shake your head and start to walk away from him.

"I'm not hiding anything." You said but it didn't sound believable. You knew if you stayed any longer you would be forced to tell me, but you just weren't ready yet.

"Y/N, come back!" He says from behind you.

"I'll be back, I promise." You say as you put on your boots and a jacket, stuffing the pregnancy test in your pocket and grabbing your keys.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks and you shake your head vigorously.

"No, E..." You sigh, "This isn't about you doing anything wrong. I'll tell you when I come back, okay?" You try to explain, pressing a quick kiss to his lips and exiting the apartment.

Once in your car, you drove to the nearest parking lot and stopped there, sitting in your car just staring at the positive pregnancy test.

After about half an hour of sitting and thinking, you drove back to the small apartment you owned.

You kind of felt bad for leaving Ethan in such a rush with no explanation but, you needed to sit and think about the decision you were making. You also had to gain the confidence you needed in order to tell him about the whole situation.

As soon as you open the door you see Ethan shoot up from the couch, looking at you with a, "Where the hell were you?" face.

You sigh and grab his hand, sitting him down in one of the kitchen stools. You look down at your hands as you stood in between his legs.

"Here goes nothing" You think to yourself, taking the pregnancy test out of your pocket and handing it to Ethan.

"Is this what I think it is?" He says, shock written all over his face.

"It's a positive pregnancy test, Ethan." You tell him, "My positive pregnancy test"

"No way..." He says, looking up at you with tear-filled eyes, "I'm actually going to be a dad?"

"Yeah..." You say, a small smile creeping it's way onto your face, "You are."

"Holy shit, Y/N." He says a little bit louder and grabs your face gently, "We're gonna be parents!"

You nod frantically as Ethan pulls you into a tight hug and tears begin to fall down your face.

Happy tears, of course. You were happy that Ethan reacted in such a positive way, and you couldn't wait till you had this baby and start your own family with the love of your life.

a/n -- DANG I LOVE THIS ... I was debating on making this a preference but I decided on an imagine instead, if anyone wants a part two or something just ask :) 

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