"sick day" ❥

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You lay in bed with a small smile on your face as you trace Ethan's jaw as he slept. You loved the boy laying next to you and you were not looking forward to what you had to do today.

You sigh and close your eyes for a moment, getting up carefully lifting Ethan's arm to his side off of your hip so you could escape. You managed not to wake Ethan up, and It seemed you did a good job because he didn't move from the position he was in, besides for his arm which you moved manually.

You tip toe to your closet and being to pick out your outfit for work, rubbing your eyes tiredly. You groan quietly and take off your shorts, turning around to grab the pants only for your hand to run into someones chest.

"Holy sh- Ethan you scared me!" You hold your hand to your heart and take a deep breath, "You're so creepy. What are you doing awake?" You ask and he laughs, his voice still deep since he had just been sleeping.

"Uh," he starts, "I don't want you to leave." He admits and you roll your eyes and sigh,

"Ethan, we already talked about this. I have to go to work, you tried to convince me last time and the answer is still the same." You tell him and reach around him to grab the pants hanging on the hanger.

"Yeah, but you didn't stay!" He whines, "One day won't get you fired Y/N..." He begs and you were very close to giving in but you didn't, and instead you shook your head.

"I'm sorry baby, but no." You reply and he groans,

"Just call in sick, please?" He pleads and grabs you by the hips, pulling you closer to him so that he could wrap his arms around you and put his head in the crook of your neck.

"Ethan..." This time you whine, but you already knew you were going to call in sick. He was right, you wouldn't get fired. Plus, you hadn't missed a day yet, so there wasn't a reason to worry. You did feel bad for calling in short notice, but you really wanted to stay with Ethan.

You start to walk out of the room and to the kitchen, where you left your phone last night.

"Is that a yes?" He asks from behind you and you sigh in response, grabbing your phone and dialing your boss's number.

"Hello?" You hear your boss say through the phone, feeling Ethan hug you from behind and place small kisses on your neck, making you tilt your head to give him more access.

"Oh," You cough a couple times which makes Ethan bite back a laugh, pulling away to watch you as you made the phone call, "Sir, I'm so sorry. I'm very sick and I just don't want to get everyone else sick, I might be contagious." You tell your boss and you hear silence on the other end.

"I see, What do you have?" He asks, sounding concerned which makes you feel bad because you weren't actually sick.

"Stomach flu, I think." You say the first thing that pops into your mind and look at Ethan only to see his face tomato red from holding in laughter, which make you roll your eyes.

"That's fine I'm sure I can find someone to take over your shift. I hope you feel better soon, Y/N." He answers and you sigh in relief,

"Thank you! Have a nice day," You reply, trying not to sound too enthusiastic and more sleepy and sick.

"You too," He says and you say goodbye, hanging up the phone and turning to your laughing boyfriend.

"Ethan it wasn't that funny!" You laugh at his stupidity and he just continues to laugh hysterically,

"B-but I don't think you cough when you have the stomach flu, Y/N!" He says through fits of laughter.

"Well, he seemed to believe it." You shrug with a smile and go into the kitchen to eat something.

You grab an apple and jump up on the counter so that you're sitting on it, and Ethan steps in between your legs.

You take a bite of your apple, "You don't even have to try to look cute. You just wake up cute." You say and he grins,

"You don't have to try either princess," He tells you making a small smile make its way onto your face as you lean in to kiss your sweet boyfriend, only to be interrupted by his twin brother.

"Gross. Not on the kitchen counter, guys. We make food on there, not babies." He says in disgust and you roll your eyes while Ethan laughs.

"We weren't making babies Grayson, we were going to kiss." You tell him and he groans,

"Couple stuff, gross." he repeats and Ethan punches his arm playfully,

"You'll understand when you get a girl as beautiful as Y/N," Ethan tells his brother and you blush while Grayson 'aw's,

"That was adorable. and cheesy." He adds and reaches into the cabinet for food, grabbing a granola bar, "But seriously, if you're going to make-out, at lease do it in your room." You hear him whisper in Ethan ear and you shake your head,

"Grayson! I heard you!" You laugh and he runs away,

"You were supposed to!" He yells to you as he returns to his room.

"Idiot," Ethan mumbles under his breath then looks back up at you, "Now where were we?" he asks and you giggle, leaning in and placing your lips on Ethan's.

The perfect start for your "sick day."

a/n -- LOOK an actual sort of clever title. proud of myself. the ending was still trash tho. whatevs lol! grayson imagine tomorrow for those of you waiting for one btw (: ALSO i sorta combined requests so like he was sorta being clingy & it was something cute ya know? idk you can request again if it wasn't exactly what you wanted though ((:: love the requests, they are creative & really cute lmao. there are so many in my inbox like I want to write them all at once!!!! sorry i'm rambling, hope you liked this xx

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