love bites ❥

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"No one will notice, Y/N" Ethan tries to convince you.

"Ethan, come on. They're bright purple marks on my neck." You sigh, looking at your self in the mirror.

"Hey, chill, it's all good." He says, taking your face in his hands and placing a light kiss on your nose.

"No, Ethan, It's not all good. Your mom's gonna be there!" You exclaim, plopping yourself down on the bed. "I should've given you hickey's too." You mumble and he laughs.

"Don't freak. It's just my family, it's not like they don't know we do stuff like this. You'll be fine." He says, "Now come on, we're gonna be late."

You groan and get up reluctantly.

"Chin up babe, you look great." He says with an award winning smile, making you roll your eyes.

"How are you so cute?" You ask and he gives you a cheeky smile, shrugging his shoulders.

As you two were driving to his parent's house, you attempted to cover up the love bites Ethan gave you with some makeup which barely helped.

As soon as Ethan parked the car you yelled, "I can't do this."

"Babe, yes you can. Just relax, no one will notice!" He repeats and you close your eyes and sigh.

"Of course today of all days your mother had to be throwing a get together." You mumble.

With a lot of convincing, Ethan managed to get you out of the car. You made him promise to hold your hand the whole time because you hated it when he left you. You were super awkward around people you don't know and you didn't know a lot of the people here.

Squeezing Ethan's hand as tight as possible, you entered the house.

"E!" You hear Lisa say and she gives him a big hug, making Ethan let go of your hand.

"Y/n, I'm so glad you could make it!" She tells you, embracing you in a hug. You look at Ethan with wide eyes and he laughs hysterically.

She pulls away slightly, examining your face with narrowed eyes.

"Ethan Grant Dolan!" Lisa gasps, taking your face in her hands, "You did not leave these marks on this precious girls neck!"

"Mom..." Ethan groans, scratching the back of his neck.

"My boy is grown up. I hope you're wearing protection young man." She points at him and gives you a wink, making you smile.

"Mom!" He yells, covering his ears and taking your hand, dragging you outside where you look at him, shaking your head.

"And I thought the blame would be put on me!" You laugh and he covers his ears, his face as red as a tomato.

"We're leaving." He says but you protest .

"No! I want to say, no one will notice okay, chill." You mock him and he looks at you with pleading eyes.

"Y/n...Please..." He begs and you roll your eyes.

"Hm, let me think," You say, putting on a thinking face, "Nope! You're the one who wanted me to come when I didn't want to mister!"

He groans and you go on your tippy-toes, placing a light kiss on his lips.

"Love you!" You say, opening the door and joining his mother in a conversation, leaving him to think about what just happened.

a/n-- this was okay. hope you liked it haha! thanks for reading!

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