divorce ❥

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You were laying in bed, about to fall asleep when your phone started to ring. You groan and roll over, checking who it was and you immediately answer when you see it's your boyfriend, Ethan. 

"Hey," you say sleepily, rubbing your eyes and sitting up, "Everything okay?" you ask. 

Ethan never called you this late, which is why you asked if everything was alright. 

"No." you hear him whisper, it almost sounded like he was crying, which worried you. "Can you come over, please?" He asks, sounding desperate. 

You nod frantically although you knew he couldn't see you, "Of course, baby. I'll be right there." You jump out of bed and slip on some leggings and one of Ethan's sweaters that he left. 

After that, you went down stairs, grabbed your keys and got in the car. 

When you got to his house, it looked like everyone was home. You could tell that the light to the living room was on. When you open the door to his house you were greeted with complete silence. 

"Okay then..." you mumble, going upstairs to Ethan's room. 

When you open the door you see Ethan with his head in his hands, he was definitely crying. 

You run over to him and kneel in front of him, running your fingers through his hair which makes him look up at you. You give him a concerned look, taking his face into your hands and wiping away his tears.

"What happened, E?" You asked. Seeing Ethan cry was the worst thing to you. Whenever you saw Ethan cry, it made you want to cry too. 

He turns and hands you a stack of papers, which you look at feeling really confused. 

"What are these?" He looks at you with eyes filled with sorrow. 

"Divorce papers." He says simply and you gasp.

"No..." you whisper more to yourself. You never thought anything like this would happen... everything seemed okay. 

"Yeah. The worst part is, they didn't even tell me or gray." He laughs humorlessly. 

"I'm so sorry." You say, placing small kisses all over his face attempting to make him feel a little bit better. He had told you he liked it when you did that. 

"Can you stay?" He asks you, his voice cracking a little bit as he holds your hands tightly, "I don't want to be here alone when they come back..." he confesses, looking down at his feet. 

"Of course I'll stay." You say, standing up and leading him to the bed. He takes off his shirt and lays with his head on your stomach. You put one hand in his hair and the other was drawing small designs on his skin. He sighs in content, shutting his eyes and mumbling a quiet "I love you." Making you smile. 

"I love you more, baby" You reply and he gives you a small smile. 

You were glad you could be here to make Ethan feel better, you hated seeing Ethan sad.

"Your heartbeat is loud." He tells you and you laugh a little bit. 

"Really? Maybe that's a good thing?" You question and this time he laughs.


Suddenly you hear a loud slam and yelling, making Ethan jump out of the bed ruining the moment.

"Here we go..." you think to yourself, not excited for what was coming next.

"How could you not tell us?" You hear Grayson yell, "This is important, what, were you just going  to do it and then tell us? Huh?" 

"Ethan, get down here." You hear Mrs. Dolan say from downstairs, she sounded stressed. 

You see Ethan begin to pace back and forth in front of you, causing you to stand in front of him, putting his face in your hands once more. You sigh and take his hand, leading him downstairs. 

When you arrive in the living room, Lisa looks at you with surprise-filled eyes. 

"Y/N, honey, i'm so sorry, we love you but you need to leave." She says and you nod, walking away only to be held in place by Ethan. 

"She stays." Ethan says and your eyes widen, giving Ethan a "what the hell?" look.

"Ethan, this is a family matter. Don't drag her into this." She says in a warning tone. 

Ethan looks at her with smoke practically coming out of his ears, "She came when I need her. I asked her to come so she'll stay." He says and his mother sighs, 

"Why are you making this so difficult, both of you!" She yells, sounding annoyed.

"You're the one who didn't tell us about the damn divorce!" Grayson yells, his fists clenching like he's about to punch someone. 

"E..." You whisper and he looks down at you, "Grayson needs to calm down or something bad is going to happen." You tell him and Ethan realizes how angry Grayson is. 

"Gray, don't do something stupid." Ethan says and Grayson looks at him, his fists unclenching slowly, 

"Fine." He says, going up to his room and leaving you, Ethan, and Lisa alone.

"I don't love your father anymore Ethan. That's that. I love you, and Grayson, and Cameron. It just hasn't been working out, honey." She explains, begging for Ethan to understand.

 I look at her, feeling bad. Ethan starts to cry and his mom pulls him into a tight hug. "I love you, I'm sorry. I didn't want any of this to happen." She whispers and he cries even more. 

You stand there awkwardly, and decide to leave them alone. You quietly grab your keys and start to walk out when someone catches your arm. "Stay, please." Mrs. Dolan says with a sad smile. 

"A-Are you sure?" You ask, feeling a little bit out of place in this situation. 

She nods and gives you another smile, "I'm going to talk to gray." She sighs and you nod, turning to Ethan. 

"Thank you." Ethan says, opening his arms for you to hug him which you gladly accept. 

"For what?" you ask, looking up at him slightly.

"Just, being here." He shrugs and gives you a passionate kiss. 

"I love you." You say, tucking your head into his chest. 

"I love you more." 

a/n -- hey this was long, cute, AND an Ethan imagine! Go me! lmao 

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