colorado ❥

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"Yeah, i'll call you when I land. Love you too, bye." You say into your phone and hang up with a sigh of relief. You're mother was worried about you going on a flight alone to Colorado, and wouldn't stop reminding you of things and asking if you were sure you wanted to go. If you didn't want to go, why would you be going?

You were going to Colorado for a break, sort of like a vacation all by yourself. Why Colorado you might ask? Well, it's quiet and the last thing you needed was a packed, touristy place. All you wanted to do was release and enjoy yourself. 

"Are you okay?" The guy who was apparently sitting next to you chuckles, and your head snaps towards the sound of his voice. 

"You scared me," You say with your hand on your heart, and he laughs nervously, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Sorry. I, Uh," He starts, "The flights kind of empty. I can move if you wa-" He starts but you laugh, a gentle smile finding its way onto your face. 

"No! it's fine," You say reassuringly, "I just didn't know you were sitting there, that's all."

"Oh." He relaxes a bit and something told you this guy wasn't used to being near girls, or maybe people in general. You almost giggle at the thought. How could a boy so handsome not have a girlfriend? 

"Why are you going to Colorado?" You ask, wanting to become friends with the stranger beside you. 

"Long story." He sighs and sinks into his sit, attempting to get comfortable. 

You shrug, "We have time." 

He smiles and you see a look of excitement flash in his eyes, "Me and my brother are doing a dare." He starts and you laugh, signaling of him to go on, "See, we don't really separate often, so we decided we should for our- well, never mind. Anyways, we decided to put on blindfolds and shoot darts at a map and whichever place the darts land, you go to." He says and you couldn't help but grin at his situation. 

"You got Colorado, what did you brother get?" You ask curiously and he rolls his eyes, 

"Hawaii. Can you believe that? He got freaking hawaii and I got colorado!" He says and you laugh hysterically. 

"Wow the odds were not in your favor, uh, wait what did you say your name was again?" You ask and his eyes widen when he realizes he didn't even tell you his name. 

"Oh my god. My name's Ethan, and you?" he turns toward you slightly and you smile, 

"Y/N." You tell him and he smiles back, but his smile was wider than your by a long shot. 

"Are you from Colorado, Y/N?" He asks, trying out your name. 

"No, just going there for vacation. Needed a break from reality, I guess." You admit and he nods. 

"Relatable," He says and suddenly you realize that the plane was moving, and you were about to take off. 

You take a deep breath and close your eyes, gripping the arm rest tightly. Take off was your least favorite part. Your mom or someone was usually always there when you went on plane rides to hold your hand during take off, but you guessed the arm rest would make a good replacement. 

Suddenly you feel a larger hand laying on your small one, making you open your eyes to see Ethan looking at you hesitantly. 

You give him a thankful smile, feeling relieved to have a hand to hold. You almost felt embarrassed at how tight you were holding his hand, but he didn't seem to mind one bit. 

After you were finally in the air, your hand was still in his and you decided you felt comfortable enough to keep it there. It felt oddly comforting and he didn't look uncomfortable with it. 

You knew you had to make a decision when he suddenly asked, "Are you okay with this?" He coughs. 

You take a moment to answer before looking up at him, saying, "Yeah. I'm okay with this." 

You lean your head against the window, and suddenly you realized you were holding hands with someone you had only met half-an-hour ago, and you were totally fine with that. 

You were feeling uncomfortable with you skin pressed up against the cold glass, so you roll your head the the opposite side where Ethan sat, watching a movie and lay your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes and preparing for sleep. 

"Sorry" You mumble sleepily and adjust your position a little, making your self as comfortable as possible. It wasn't comfortable at all but, Ethan's shoulder was much better than the cold window. Ethan seemed to notice your discomfort because not a moment later he reacted. 

"Here," He says, pausing his movie and lifting up his food tray so that it clicked back into place, putting a pillow on his lap and patting his hand on his lap, telling you to lay down. You were too tired and the offer was too tempting to refuse, so you give him a warm, sleepy smile and place your head on his lap, falling asleep rather quickly. 

About two hours later, Ethan woke you up with a gentle shake, "Y/N, where ten minutes away." 

You groan and lift yourself up reluctantly, running your hand through your hair that probably looked like a mess. 

"Your lap was so comfy," You whine and he laughs, 

"I'm flattered." He says and looks at you intensely for a moment, "Do you think I could get your number? Maybe we could meet up sometime? We both live in the same place and we're in the same place right now so-" He asks and rambles but you cut him off with covering his mouth with your hand. 

"Give me your phone and i'll plug in my digits." You say simply and he nods, making you giggle. 

As soon as you exchanged numbers and the plane landed, you walked out together. 

"Then i'll see you tomorrow?" he asks you for the millionth time, making you bite the inside of your cheek to hide your smile, 

"Tomorrow." You nod and he grins widely, hurriing off to catch a taxi. 

You were happy you met Ethan, and you were excited to hang out with him tomorrow. You really wanted this to go well, because you actually liked Ethan, and you secretly hoped he liked you, too. 

a/n -- PART 2COMING SOON OK I CANT NOT DO A PART 2 FOR THIS GUYS. anyway i know i know i said 2 would includes but i'll post those tmrw cuz I'm tired HOPE YOU LIKED THISSSSS

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