more than friends ❥

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(a/n -- ethan is such a stud. what a guy.) 

"Yeah, I'll see you in 10." You tell your best friend Ethan on the phone, saying a quick goodbye and hanging up.

You and Ethan were going to hang out and get some ice cream, your favorite thing to do. You guys had been really occupied with school work lately and never got to hang out in person, only FaceTime calls. You and Ethan could not stand not talking to each other for a long period of time. Whenever you guys weren't together, everyone could see the difference in your personalities and attitudes. For example, if you were invited to a party and Ethan couldn't come, you'd be as quiet as a mouse. Now, if Ethan could come, that is a whole different story. You guys were like pieces of a puzzle, when you guys were together you were more complete, and everybody could tell that much.

Unfortunately though, you guys were just friends, although you wanted to be more. You didn't know if he felt the same way, and you really didn't want to mess up the relationship you had with Ethan. You guys have known each other for years, your parents even knew each other and always teased you both about how you two were going to get married someday. Ethan always seemed really uncomfortable in those situations, which led you to believe that he didn't like you in that way. Which you were okay with, for now.

When your doorbell finally rang, you opened the door quickly and embraced Ethan in a tight hug.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" You yell and Ethan laughs,

"Y/N we FaceTimed each other like ten minutes ago."

"So? That was ten minutes ago. Ten minutes is a long time." You say and Ethan rolls his eyes. You stick your tongue out at him and grab your jacket, exiting your house and making your way towards Ethan's car.

"You're right. Ten minutes is a long time." Ethan finally says when you get in the car and you look at him, "I mean, I could spend a whole day with you and still miss you when you leave."

As he says that your eyes widen, surprised at what he said. Ethan had been acting weird all day, and now with that cheesy line, you knew something was up.

"E, are you okay?" You ask, placing your hand on his forehead as if you were checking him for a fever.

He swats your hand away and sighs, "Yeah, i'm good."

"Okay, then let's go get some dang ice cream!" You say and he smiles again, making you smile too.

The car ride to the ice cream shop was oddly quiet. You and Ethan always had something to talk about, even if it was something super strange and random, so now you were sure Ethan was hiding something.

When you guys finally got to the ice cream place and Ethan parked the car, just as he was about to get out you grab his hand.

"Ethan, you aren't saying something. What's up?" You ask with a serious tone in your voice and Ethan avoids looking you in the eye.

"Nothing, Y/N, drop it." He says and attempts to get out of the car but you pull him back again,

"Ethan, I know you. Do not forget that I know you better then you know you. Tell me what you're hiding." You push and he rips his hand from your grip.

"Look I'll tell you later. I don't want to talk about it, okay?" He yells which startles you,and you just huff and lean back against your seat, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell..." He sighs and looks at you apologetically, "It's just...complicated. Can we get ice cream now?"

"Yeah, sure." You sigh and give him a small smile, knowing that whatever was on his mind was really stressing him out.

After you both order your ice creams and sit at one of the small tables, you start a conversation.

"Guess what!" You say with excitement in your eyes telling him the exciting news about your new project in class where you got to pick the subject and you chose one of your favorite tv shows, which makes Ethan smile.

"Y/N, can I ask for advice?" He asks you, taking a bit of his ice cream and then a bit of yours,

"Sure, about what?" You ask curiously, your main focus on your ice cream.

"There's this girl. She's amazing, really beautiful. Like, really beautiful. I like her a lot, but I don't really know how to ask her out or even tell her that I like her. See, I've known her for a little while now and we're super close...but i'm afraid she'd let me down." He explains and you grin from ear to ear.

"Aw E, is that what you've been hiding?" You ask and he nods. You were a little sad that Ethan had feelings for someone else, but you were also really happy that he came to you for advice. You were happy for your best friend. "Well, I think you should just ask. You never know, maybe she does like you. Maybe she likes you even more than you like her, and she's just playing it cool. Any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend E!" You smile and this time he grins,

"And...What if the girl i'm talking about is you?" He says and you almost choke on your own spit,

You cough a little and reply with a simple, "Uh, what?"

"You're the girl i'm talking about, Y/N. Isn't obvious?" He asks and laughs nervously,

"That's why you've been acting so weird!" You mumble and look up at him, only to see you staring back at you, expecting an answer.

"Lucky for you, I've liked you for a while." You say in almost a whisper and his eyes widen, "I just didn't want to mess up our friendship."

"Y/N, we would have been dating by now if you would've said something!" He laughs and you roll your eyes,

"Does this mean we'" You ask curiously and he shrugs,

"To be honest, we've been dating for a while and just called it being friends." He replies and you laugh,

"True." You say, "I'm glad you said something."

"Me too..." He says and suddenly an awkward silence fills the room, "Because now that means I can do this," He places a quick kiss to your lips and pulls away, a small smirk on his face as your eyes widen, shocked at the bold move he just made.

"I could totally get used to that." You say standing up, getting ready to leave but before you do, placing tons of more kisses to Ethan's soft lips.

"This is going to be fun." Ethan laughs and you nod, agreeing. If everyone thought you two were dating then, they were definitely going to think you were dating now.

a/n -- wow. long imagine + bad ending = imagine by carolina. hope you guys enjoyed. (p.s, I love replying to you guys so feel free to just drop random stuff in my inbox that I can reply to lol) 

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