too much ❥

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"I already told you Ethan, I forgot!" You yell at your angry boyfriend, turning around to face him.

"You forgot? I told you specifically what to get me before you left, Y/N!" He yells back even louder, making you step back a bit. You two were having another one of your stupid fights, and this one happened to be about you forgetting to get him something from the grocery store which was basically irrelevant.

"Are you seriously yelling at me forgetting your stupid snack Ethan? It's food. Go get it yourself if you want it so bad!" You roll your eyes and begin to put away the groceries.

"It's not just this, Y/N. You're just so inconsiderate. It's like I ask you one thing and you just brush it off like it doesn't matter!" He continues to fight but you just put the groceries away, trying to keep in all the harsh words you wanted to yell in his face.

"Like your doing right now! You don't listen to me, ever. It's annoying, Y/N. Really annoying." He tells you and you slam the gallon of milk you had in your hand on the counter, looking at Ethan angrily.

"All we do is fight Ethan! This is so stupid. You have to make every little thing something huge. I do listen to you Ethan, I just forgot. The one time I every forget anything you ask for, You tell me I don't listen and that i'm annoying? How does that even make sense?" You yell at him, putting your hands up in frustration.

"I-I can't do this right now," He tells you, walking away but you stop him by yelling some more which was not wise.

"No, Ethan. You have to do this right now. I can't do this anymore, all this fighting is tiring. We fight everyday now, Ethan. We can't go one day without screaming at each other for something as stupid as chips!" You scream and he turns around with wide eyes,

"What are you trying to tell me, Y/N?" He runs a hand through his hair stressfully, "You want to leave?" He laughs humorlessly and you cross your arms, "Then leave! Go! I'm not stopping you." He tells you and tears brim your eyes.

"Fine, if you're so fond of the idea I will leave." You yell back, holding back your tears unsuccessfully. You walk past him, grabbing your jacket from the coat hanger and taking your keys from the counter.

"Y/N," He starts but you put your hand up to stop him,

"You know what Ethan? Maybe me leaving is a good thing. Then maybe you'll realize what your stupid fights cost." You cry and his face visibly softens,

"Baby," He takes your hand but you rip it away from him angrily.

"No! You can't fix this Ethan! We can't fix this. The fighting is too much. It's not worth all these tears!" You say with tears running down your face and you see tears begin to form in his eyes, too.

"Don't go, okay? I don't want you to leave, I need you, baby. The fight was stupid, so stupid. I promise we won't fight anymore, just stay.." He practically begs you but your mind was already set.

You knew the fights wouldn't end now. You loved Ethan with everything you had, but the fights you were having were so stupid and irrelevant, and it was tiring. You figured it would be good to spend a little time away from each other. The thought of being away from Ethan made you cry even harder, but you had to do this.

"Ethan, We need time," You attempt to say through your crying, but it came out slower than you intended.

"Please," He whisper and see a tear stream down his face, making your heart break just a little more.

"I can't do this," You mumble and open the front door, " I'm sorry Ethan. We can't keep fighting like this, baby. I love you, but I can't do this." You sniffle and wipe your tears away with the sleeve of your shirt but they were quickly replaced with more tears.

"Y/N, you can't leave." He cries and you shake your head,

"Goodbye Ethan." You say and exit his house, speed walking to your car and getting in quickly, shutting the door with a lot of force.

You slam your hands on your steering wheel and begin to sob, leaning your forehead against the window. Just then you realized how much little fights like those could ruin a relationship, and how much it just damaged yours. As you sat in the car, a sad, sobbing mess, you began to think it was a big mistake to walk out of that house.

a/n -- sadness consumes me. lmao just kidding, but yeah....I really want to do a part two, what do you guys think haha?

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