car kisses ❥

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"You're going on a date with Ethan Dolan?" Your best friend squeals over the video chat you were having. You were getting ready and she had called, and you decided you needed some best friend motivation before this date with the most gorgeous boy you'd ever seen. 

"Yes, now what should I wear, casual or like, a dress?" You ask, looking in your closet with a sigh. You were feeling very frustrated with yourself, and very nervous about the upcoming date. 

"Well, where are you two going again?" Your best friend asks and turn to look at her, 

"This cute little place that's like an hour away. He says it's his favorite." You shrug and you watch her fall back on her bed, 

"Goals!" She screams and you laugh, 

"Shh!" You giggle and she does the same, getting back up quickly looking like she had an idea. 

"Ooh! I know! You could wear that really cute white romper you have, you know, the one with the long sleeves?" She tells you and you grin, "Yeah, and you should wear your hair down. And wear the cute flats that match." She tells you as you rush into your closet and change into the outfit she picked out. 

"You are a blessing!" You say and she laugh, flipping her hair behind her back, 

"I know." She winks, "You look hot!" She says and you look in your mirror, mentally agreeing with her. You did look really good in the outfit. You decided to add a gold necklace and some earrings to complete the look, and you minimized the make-up you put on. You left your hair down, thinking it looked decent enough. 

Suddenly your doorbell rang and you sigh in relief because you were the only one in your house today. 

"Okay. Have fun then, don't forget I need details when you come back!" She yells and you roll your eyes, ready to end the call. 

"Yeah, yeah. Love you, bye." You hurriedly end the call and rush downstairs, almost falling down. 

You smooth out your romper and take a deep breath, opening your door finally. 

You look out the door and see Ethan looking down at his shoes, and he quickly looks up with wide eyes and smiles at you brightly. He was wearing nice jeans and a shirt that fit him perfectly. You were glad you went with something a little more casual, instead of fancy. 

He raises his arms and you see a bouquet of flowers in his hands, making you grin slightly. How sweet, "Some flowers for my flower," He says cheekily making you laugh, 

"How cheesy. But still cute, here, come in." You smile and take the flowers, walking into the kitchen and getting an empty vase to fill it with water. 

Ethan walks in hesitantly and follows you, leaning against the wall rather attractively, waiting for you to finish.

"Are you ready for this road trip?" He asks as you put the flowers into the vase, setting them down on the table. 

"Yeah. I love road trips." You inform him and he smirks, 

"Good, because this one's a long one." He tells you and you shake your head, laughing as you confidently take his hand and lead him out of the house. 

When you guys finally hit the road, you decide to put on some music. 

"How do you put on music in your car?" You ask, looking at him and waiting for an answer. 

He glances at you and then looks back to the road, grabbing his phone and handing it to you, "My phone is already connected to the car and I have Apple Music so, you can look up whatever you want." He says and smiles at you and you smile back, "The password is 121699," He tells you and you were genuinely surprised he had given you his passcode. 

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