first kiss ❥

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Today was the day of your first real date with Ethan. You and Ethan had been dating for a while now, and decided that it was time you guys go on your first official date. At the moment, you were deciding on what to wear

You decided to go with your favorite pale pink maxi dress that had a low cut back, you figured you'd go with something casual, but cute. You slipped on some sandals and decided to leave your hair down. You put on some light make up and you were finished. You looked really cute, and you knew that with this look you could go to a fancy dinner, or just any normal casual date.

ding dong

You heard the doorbell ring and waited for your mom to open the door. You take a deep breath and walk down stairs slowly.

"You look amazing," Ethan tell you with a grin on his face and you blush, taking his hand.

"Aw, you two are adorable!" Your mom gushes. You forgot she was there,

"Okay mom, We're leaving." You tell her and she rolls her eyes, shooing you out of the door.

"Fine, fine. Have fun!" She says and you practically drag Ethan away from your house. You loved your mom but she could be little bit embarrassing at times.

"Ready to go?" Ethan asks you, placing a light kiss on your hand and you nod, getting in the car.

As he drove he had one hand on the wheel and the other laying on your thigh. You look out the window as you make your way to your destination, sitting in comfortable silence. You lay your hand on top of his and he looks at you and gives you a smile, which you happily return.

"We're here." Ethan huffs and you look at him with a huge grin.

"A beach!" You exclaim happily and he laughs nervously,

"Yeah...I reserved us a table for the restaurant right next to the boardwalk." He says and your smile grows wider.

"You're so sweet, E" You tell him and this time he blushes.

"Alright, let's go inside." He smiles at you and gets out of the car, making his way around and opening your door for you.

"What a gentlemen." You say and he laughs, intertwining your fingers and leading you to the restaurant.

When the waiter seated you, you were in awe of how pretty the view was. In the restaurant there were cute little stairs leading up to more tables, except the walls were made of glass so you had a perfect view of the beach.

"It's so pretty!" You say and look at Ethan, expecting him to be looking at the view but finding him looking at you.

"You're so pretty," He says and you almost cringe at the cheesiness, but you actually thought it was adorable.

"You're so pretty too." You tease and Ethan sticks his tongue out at you. The waiter comes a few moments later and you guys already knew what you wanted to eat so you ordered.

You were expecting this date to be a bit awkward but it turned out to be way better and more fun. You felt like you could be yourself around him, and it seemed like he felt the same. You spent the time waiting for your food messing around and having a spitball fight, causing you both to get some annoyed glances from the people around you. You and Ethan didn't really care though, you were just being yourselves.

"Ugh, I'm so full." Ethan groans, holding his stomach as you finish your last bite.

"Same." You sigh, leaning back in your chair.

"Here's the check!" The waiter smiled and handed Ethan the check politely and you looked at Ethan with wide eyes.

"Seriously, E, you don't have to pay for the whole thing. I have money." You say and he rolls his eyes, paying for the whole meal.

"Y/N, I'm paying for your meal." He laughs and stands up, taking your hand as you guys walk down to the reception area.

When the check was all taken care of, you guys left the restaurant and walked hand and hand down the beach.

Since you were going to be walking in sand you slip off your sandals, Ethan doing the same with his shoes.

"This was a lot of fun." You say when you guys get to the end of the beach, turning towards him only to see that he was already looking at you. It suddenly got quiet as you both looked in each others eyes. You began to get self conscious as he stared, but you were unable to look away once your eyes met.

As you stared you noticed every tiny feature on his face, admiring his amazing jawline. A moment later you saw that you both were starting to lean in, which made you mentally panic.

"Oh god, are we about to kiss? I've never kissed anyone before...what If I mess up?" A million doubts popped into your mind as you got closer, but soon enough you got so close that every doubt disappeared, and all you could think of was his soft lips colliding with yours.

Not a moment later your lips finally touched, making your eyes widen in surprise. As the kiss continued you figured out what to do and moved your lips against his without a care in the world.

Suddenly you felt Ethan smile and you pull away slightly, "Why are you smiling?"

"You're a quick learner." He says simply and you gasp,

"How'd you know you were my first?" You ask, raising your eyebrows and he shrugs,

"I had a feeling," You smile and give him a quick pop kiss, humming in delight,

"I could get used to that."

a/n -- DANG that endingg was baaad but this was long! omg! btw guys i love the questions you're dropping in my inbox like it raises my self esteem lmao. hope you liked this!!

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