Chapter 1.

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Chloe struggled to keep up with the man she was chasing. Running through the Slender Forest for almost 30 minutes straight while remaining hidden and quiet was quite the task. Chloe couldn't help but smile as the man stopped running and frantically looked around, searching for his soon to be murderer. Chloe stepped out of the shadows, letting the man see her. Her yellow hoody was already stained with a some blood and her black pants were dirty from falling once or twice while struggling to keep up with the now out of breath man. Chloe's frowning face slowly turned into a psychopathic grin with each step closer to him. The man tried to run but Chloe grabbed him and threw him into a tree. Again he tried to stand up and run but Chloe's quick reflexes stopped him and soon she held a knife to his throat. Before slitting his throat she said to him, "You never saw me coming." with that she cut his throat ending his life while getting more blood on herself. She sighed and said to herself, "Man, how am I supposed to wash this thing?!" looking down at her hoodie aggravated, "I mean why do people always have to get blood on me! It's not my fault that their lives were ended, well I guess that it is partially my fault." Chloe sighed again before starting the long journey to what she and her friends called home.

~Time Skip~

After a hour long walk back Chloe came to a small clearing in the middle of the woods. In that clearing was a medium sized two story house that had been abandoned until one of her friends found it and fixed it up. Now the old house was fully restored, on the inside at least, and Chloe and her psycho friends lived there. After knocking on the door in morse code, saying her initials, the door clicked signifying that it was now unlocked. Chloe pushed the door open and was met with a big, toothy, friendly smile. "Hello Megan!" Chloe stated cheerfully. "Hey Chloe!" Megan answered back.

Looking around there was a hallway that ended in stairs going up. There was three doorways that each led into a different room, other than the room where she came into through the door. In the small room was a coat rack, a mat that held about eight pairs of muddy or blood soaked boots and shoes. Chloe took off her own muddy shoes and placed them down on the mat before walking down the hall and turning into the first doorway on the left. It led to what everyone assumed used to be the living room, but now it was a weapons room. She took out her knife and cleaned off the blood before opening a drawer to a dresser and placing it in, next to all of the other knives.

Chloe then proceeded to go to the washroom. It was the next door down on the right. Chloe entered it and took off her hoodie and placed it in a laundry bin along with her pants. She grabbed an extra pair that she had in the room and slid them on. She was now wearing black pants and a yellow shirt with a lightning bolt outlined in black. After walking out she headed for the last doorway. It was on the left and it was right in front of the stairs.

Going inside the room Chloe could see that Kathryn, her neatest friend and the one who usually cleans, had most likely not been home for about a week judging by the mess. Looking around she saw a large blood stained couch, a TV with a X-Box, and a few PS systems. On the floor was a few assorted weapons that people had forgotten to put away. Megan was sitting on the couch with Eleanor playing some Zombie game and they were arguing about who could kill the most zombies. Chloe cleared her throat and they both turned to her. Megan's medium length, dirty blond hair was messy so Chloe could guess that she had most likely just gotten back from a killing. Eleanor's short dark brown hair was also messy but it looked like she had attempted to brush it so Chloe figured that she had probably come home just before Megan.

Suddenly Megan asked in a demanding tone, "Chloe! Who is the better zombie killer?!" "Uh... What?" was Chloe's brilliant response.

"In the video game! Me and Megan can't decide who can kill more zombies in a minute!" This time it had been Eleanor's voice that spoke. "Oh. Uhh... How about no comment?" The other two girls sighed Megan then got up and announced that she was going to shower. Megan had been wearing a slightly bloody red T-shirt that had orange flames on it. Her black pants were also blood soaked and she was barefoot as well as covered in mud. Chloe couldn't blame her for wanting a shower. As she walked up the stairs Chloe called up to her saying, "Don't forget to clean up the mud that you track through the house when you get out or Kathryn's gonna be pissed!" Megan responded with an okay and kept walking up the stairs.

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