This world is not made for truth,
Everything we do is an excuse,
the war paint we sculpt our faces with,
the armor we clad our bodies in,
the fake claws and extensions of everything,
How are we to be honest if we can't even see what we look like?
I don't know how to get out of the cycle,
mostly because I fear being utterly alone.
I have tasted and known it and I do not want to go back to its torture.
I am still reaping in the aftermath, still seeking for company, ones that will not take advantage of me, but just want to be around.
Mother said I'll learn,
says the world will learn me the
lesson of not giving too much away,
Says one day I'll earn the badges
that she wore yesterday,
says that I'll be like her someday.
I stopped talking because the world learned me that a long time ago
and I still don't want to change.
I know I'm not an honest person,
but the world I'm in has no time for honesty, they assume that if you are going to come clean it's because you want to be fixed,
propped up and placed twixt
the person you once were
and the person they made you to be.
I don't want to be made by any person,
I don't want to be fixed,
I don't need your advice necessarily,
I just want someone to hear me,
listen to what I'm saying.
Because I have a lot to say,
if only you realize that I don't posses the courage to say all of it.
So if I am a liar, if I am a fraud,
it's because I live in a world
where people play God and think they know what is supposed to be.
Well maybe, just maybe,
I'm supposed to be here, in this place,
trying to tell the truth in my own slow way.
And maybe that's okay.
SKA/N: I know that "learned me" is bad grammar. It's there on purpose.