Chapter Fourteen

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Rose's POV

I left Bella's ICU room and closed the door, then just sat in my wheelchair near the door for a few minutes. I was about to wheel out to the waiting room, when I heard an argument.

"Oh, now you're sorry? You find out what happened to Bella and you're sorry, how nice. Do you even care that I almost lost the love of my life and that Bella almost lost her best friend? For fucks sake, Luke," Calum angrily replied, raising his voice enough to where almost everyone could hear him. I bit my lip and stayed back, listening.

"None of this situation is Rose's fault. Why the hell would she purposefully hurt her best friend? Do you even realize the shit she goes through at home with her mum? No, because you only focus on Bella. I get you love the girl, but damn, pay attention more often will you. She has a huge bruise on her cheek because of her mum, but all you worry about is Bella like Rose is nothing. Rose gets beat at home and the only reason I know that is because she called me last night and was crying, which fucking broke my heart. It killed me and it killed Bella when she found out this morning. I just can't believe you would blame her for this. Don't think you'll be forgiven that quick," he finished, making me gulp nervously.

I took a deep breath and tried blinking back tears, but miserably failed. I let the tears fall once again, then wheeled out to the waiting room.

"N-no, Luke's right. This is my fault, I get it. Everything bad that happens is my fault. Bella getting injured, myself getting injured, it's all my fault. If I w-wasn't so weak, I could've saved Bella from getting hurt like she did.

I can't be friends with anyone without someone getting injured. I get it, okay? I'm a fuck up, just tell me instead of talking about me behind my back. I've had enough abuse to last me a lifetime, I'm pretty sure I could handle the truth. This is why I wish I hadn't been born. I wish Shawn would've killed me when he stabbed me," I mumbled, shaking my head and letting more tears fall.

They all look at me, then realize I heard the whole thing.

"Rose, that's not true. I wasn't thinking when I said what I did. You're not a fuck up. I'm sorry, I really am. This is all my fault, I know. I'm the reason why everything gets ruined. Not you," Luke says, blinking back a few tears.

I shake my head again and sigh, looking down.

"No, Luke, you're not the reason. That's just one of the many, MANY statements my mum told me. I've heard that ever since birth practically, so it stays with you. As for the bruise on my cheek? Well," I bit my lip nervously as I turned my head their way, exposing the massive bruise.

I hear gasps fill the room, then turn my head back. "And everyone wonders why I'm the way I am. Worthless and pathetic, ugly and fat. I'm not perfect, I fucking know. I never will be the girl that someone chooses first. I'm the useless nerd, the quiet girl in the back of the room, the outcast. I'm this way because it's how I was raised. Yet, nobody saw the pain hidden in my smile or in my eyes. Just like how nobody has noticed the extreme weight loss that's happening," I mumble again, sighing and biting my lip.

"Baby girl, you know that's not true. I CHOOSE you, and I'll always choose you. I want to marry you and start a family with you. You're the love of my life. None of this is your fault and you know that. I love you more than anything. You're so special and important to me. I wouldn't trade you for the whole damn world. You're my other half and I can't imagine losing you, baby girl. Believe me," Calum said, the room filling with "awe's."

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