Chapter Thirty-Two

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*a couple of months later*

Luke's POV

I wake up and Bella isn't beside me. I frown and get out of bed, going to the bathroom, but find Bella sitting against the wall by the toilet asleep. I walk over and crouch down, lightly shaking her.

"Bella, babe, wake up," after about five minutes, I get her to wake up some.

"Bella, are you okay?"

"I woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick, so went to the restroom and then got sick and I've been here since I woke up. I guess I dozed off. I think I might be sick, because I know it's not from being pregnant. Maybe I should go call mama Liz," she goes to stand up, but falls back down.

"A little help, please? I feel weak." I help her up and walk her to the bed, then set her down.

"I'll call her, you just lay here and relax. I've got this," I kiss the top of her head and pull out my phone, then walk out into the hallway and call her.

"Hello?" She picks up on the third ring, like always.

"Hey mum," I sigh softly and walk down the stairs, "can you come over and check on Bella? She thinks she's sick, but I need confirmation from you. If not, I could call Rose. She's studying to be a doctor at college and she knows a lot already."

"No, it's okay. I can be over there in half an hour if that's okay with you. Just let me get done with some things first."

"All right. Thank you, mum. See you soon, I love you."

"I love you, too, son." We both hang up and I walk back upstairs, then sit next to Bella. "My mum will be here in half an hour to check you out."

"Okay. Thank you, babe. Can you come cuddle me?" I get in the bed and she cuddles into me and within 5 minutes, she's asleep again. I wait a few more minutes and then untangle myself, go downstairs, and wait for my mum to get here.

Isabella's POV

I wake up an hour later and sit up in the bed. I quickly get up and run to the bathroom, getting sick again. I flush, get up, brush my teeth, and rinse my mouth out. I walk back out of the bathroom and sit on the bed again. I just remembered we never told anyone else about the baby besides Rose and Calum.

"Babe?" I hollered out. I hear footsteps came upstairs and Luke appears in the doorway.

"You know, we never told anyone about me being pregnant besides Rose and Calum?"

"We can tell people later today, okay? My mum will find out once you come downstairs, she just got here. Don't worry about it."

"Okay," I sigh. Luke helps me up and helps me downstairs.

"Hey, mama Liz."

"Hey Bella," I sit down on the couch.

"Tell me what's going on."

"Well, I woke up in the middle of the night and just keep getting sick."

"Okay, let's check you out."

"Before you do, there is one thing you should know."

"What's that?"

"I'm pregnant." She laughs lightly and looks at us.

"Sweetie, I know. I noticed when you came downstairs. Now, let me see what's wrong with you."

"But I'm not even showing yet and they say I might not show at all because of how small I am."

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