Fuck The Colours

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For the next few days I avoided people like plague. Not because I hated them or anything, but because they would stare and whisper, obviously, about me and this whole situation already was going on my nerves. Representative of the underworld, moron who angered the God of death blah blah blah.... THEY DON'T EXIST!!

I let out a frustrated grunt in synchronization with my hungry stomach. I have been sitting in my room for so long that I couldn't eat anything properly. Time to face the crowd I guess.

I left my humble adobe that looked almost the same like the room in Hagne's place except with the balcony at the end of the room and went down the corridor.

One of the things that pissed me off right away was colours. What's wrong with colours you might ask. Everything! This whole place was rulled by them. Rooms are the colour of your representative "God", your clothes and even tables. Who desined this place and rules was stupid. Another rule involving tables was dinning. Every "God" had a table and their representatives had to eat by it. This place.....

I reached the entrance of the monastery's canteen and let out a sigh.

Let's get this over with....

I walked into a huge room that had different colour tables with people chating by them. How they coloured them is not known to me. The room had quite low ceiling and was long as a war field. Of course, they had statues of the "Gods" as a reminder of our upcoming doom.

The moment I walked into canteen everybody's heads turned to me and their chat ceased.

This looks so cliche....

Ignoring stares and my sudden popularity, I walked to the end of the room and put coocked chicken breast, some rice and salad accompanied with a glass of wine. Good thing it was watered down because I don't want to get drunk, again.

The tables were build in order to show the power of the "Gods" over each other. By the door were lesser "Gods' " tables, the ones not in the magical twelve, and by the food stand were the most important ones. All were lines up in three lines and at the end, next to food, were blue, white and black tables obviously indicating three brothers that "rule" over the world.

I sat down by black table and started to eat, happy that chats began to ring around the room again. Looking around I noticed a lot of empty tables and one crowded in particular. It was deep red shade belonging to Aphrodite - goddess of love and sexuality. There were atleast 50 people both men and women. Just thinking about competitiveness and drama over there made me almost puke. All of them were dressed up with fancy clothes, faces caked up with makeup and jewelry all over the body. That includes men too.

I concentrated on my food untill I heard a flop in front of me. My eyes slowly went up to see a woman with her muscles ripping under her gray dress. My gaze from her muscles went to her face and I was met with two green eyes. The woman was somewhere near thirties with strict facial features. Her hair was dirty blonde with sides shaved and middle part braided. She was, what we call, unique.

We just stared at each other, neither of us saying anything.

'Want some chicken?' I asked when I started feeling awkward. The woman laughed loudly attracting everybody's attention to us.

'Thanks, but I already ate' she said and I nod biting into my juicy chicken breast.

'The name's Astrid' she said with a cheeky smile.

'Era' I smiled back at her.

'The name sure suits you. You are so think that wind surely will blow you away' she laughed again which made me giggle as well.

'Well I am still here' I said and finished my meal.

'Aren't you suppposed to sit by your table?' I asked interested by her sudden appearance.

'Our Gods are very close so I don't ses the harm' she said and I moved my eyebrows up.

'What God are you representing?'

'Ares - God of war, bloodshed and violence.' She said.

'Oh..' was all I could say and Astrid smiled.

'My God makes a war and your God gets all the souls. See? We are connected' she smirked and this time I laughed.

'Sure, why not?'

'What are you going to do now?' Astrid asked and we both stood up.

'Absolutely nothing' I said and her face lit up.

'C'mon with me, sister, I'll show you the fighting ground' she said and dragged me out of the room not waiting for my response.

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