Chapter 3- It's Your Birthday!

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I haven't gotten that much sleep since I was 5. That means I had spent the next 12 years being forced to sleep an hour a night.

I walked downstairs in my green, plaid style baggy sleep pants and loose, light gray tshirt. News in the household was that a boy named Draco Malfoy was coming to spend the day with Harry. Ron wasn't feeling it, but Harry had told us all that he didn't mean to do what he had done, that he burnt off his Death Eater mark and wanted to turn his life around, starting with his relationship with the family and friends. He was still, apparently, obnoxious and full of himself.

I yawned and walked downstairs. On the last step, I felt my weight being pulled down as I tripped on my long pants. I was upset, I had just gotten over being abused, not another broken bone! But, I felt the presence of strong arms underneath me and looked up into a pair of soft grey-blue eyes.

"Here we are, beautiful." The kind voice said, placing me down.

I was immediately no longer still sleepy. When you almost fall on your face, you kind of snap awake.

"Uh, thanks. I'm super clumsy." I laughed.

He brushed off his blue shirt, "You're just lucky I was there to save you. I have a feeling you're new."

I replied sarcastically, "How could you tell? It's how graceful I am, correct?"

A very attractive smirk plastered across his face as he winked, "No, but I'd love for it to occur again."

I felt my face grow hot at this comment. I felt a pair of eyes looking at our direction, and I turned to see Ron.

"Lets go, mum has made pancakes and eggs for Harry's birthday." He delivered rather irritated.

"Ah, Weaslebee- I mean Ronald. Be there in a minute. And my name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." The boy said, addressing me once again.

This was the boy Ron, Ginny, and Hermione had a little bit of a hesitation to allow here last night. Apparently he had joined Voldemort's side in battle, but it was not his choice and regretted his decision immediately.

I outstretched my hand and he shook it. I replied, "Sloane Wolfe."

I excused myself from the blonde boy's presence and walked after Ron. I held his wrist and he spun at me a little harshly.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

He put a hand over mine, "Nothing. Lets go eat, shall we?"

We walked over to the table and he pulled out my chair and pushed it in as I sat down, as he did the previous night. Draco took the empty chair beside me and I smiled as he grinned at me. He seemed rather interesting. I made quiet, polite conversation with him and got to know Ron a bit better.

Ron had a love of Quidditch, had a deep love of all food, and was very protective over his friends and loved ones.

"Can I call you Wolfie?" Ron asked suddenly when the room was surprisingly quiet.

He realized his sudden outburst and smiled shyly at everyone around the table. Fred and George exchanged snickers and Mr Weasley punched them lightly in the shoulder.

"Ah, yes. What an adorable nickname for...." Mrs Weasley started to say.

I replied, "Sloane. Sloane Wolfe. And thank you all for being so kind to me, especially Mrs Weasley."

The table gasped at my sudden nerve to talk. Only Draco and Ron had heard me before.

"Blimey Fred," George exclaimed.

Fred nodded, "Indeed, a lovely voice she has."

I giggled and Mrs Weasley waved me off, "No, no dear. As I've told everyone, Please call me Molly and my dear husband, Arthur. I don't want to feel older than I am."

I nodded and Arthur raised his glass of water as stood up abruptly, "Raise your glasses. A toast, to the wonderful, boy who lived, Harry James Potter!"

The table clicked glasses and cheered Harry's name. When Ron and I clinked glasses I stared into his excited cerulean eyes. They were lovely to say the least.

Ginny stood up, hugging Harry's arm, "Presents!"

They all got up and I realized I had forgotten mine upstairs. I panicked a bit but relaxed when Ron nodded at me, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Obviously NOT a good cliffhanger. I realize that myself. Short chapter I know, but I want to continue it into the next one. Alright well see you next chapter my lovely little wizards!

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