Chapter 14- New "Doo"

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It was late at night, I awoke feeling groggy. Today's events left me feeling nauseous and pained, and I couldn't bare myself to fall
asleep once more.

I threw a robe over my black tank top and green plaid bedpants. Quietly, I slipped on my slippers and headed down to the common room, pulling a book off the shelf and reading silently in front of the fire.

I loved the sound of it roaring in the cold dungeon, filling the empty space with warmth. The book, was intriguing and I found myself almost automatically sucked into the fantasy world. I was now the character.

Suddenly, a hand snatched the book away from me and sleepily flipped through the pages.

"Hello, gorgeous." The smirking figure said in a sleepy, husky voice.

"What, Malfoy?" I spat.

He smirked wider, " You want your book back, Wolfe?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, please, Malfoy."

He shrugged, "THIS book?"

I almost nodded at him wearily until he flung it behind him and it slid across the floor. I sighed and he launched himself over the back of the couch.

"Tell me, Sloane, what do you find interesting?" He slurred.

I scoffed, "It was that book before you decided to fling it across the room!"

He smiled and pulled something out of his pocket: a knife.

I felt my eyes widen in fear, why the BLOODY HELL does he have a knife!

"Some here Wolfie, don't worry. I just want to try something out." He smirked.

I gulped and slide away from him on the couch, and he leapt on top of me. Who would've thought this would be my end.

"This won't hurt." He whispered, and he grabbed some of my hair.

My hair?! I gulped again as he gently picked up some of my hair and it landed gracefully on the dungeon floor.

"What did you do?" I hissed quietly.

He put the knife away and trotted up the stairs, "You'll see in the morning, beautiful."

I sighed and decided to wait, a was too sleepy to fight. I walked up the stairs and fell fast asleep. I swear, whatever he did, he was going to pay.


I woke up he next morning tired and drowsy. I tiptoed over to the shower, letting the warm water consume my body. I dried my hair and slipped on my green sweater, mini skirt, and white blouse, and tied my green and white striped tie around my neck. What a day. I knew I didn't have to wear this uniform, but I decided to test it out.

I walked over to the mirror, thinking of what to do with my hair, then it hit me. I HAVE BANGS?! This bloody snake cut me bangs! I growled with anger and stomped down the stairs, Draco staring at the fire lost in thought.

I slapped him across the face, "You! Blimey, what the HELL were you thinking!" I screamed.

He cackled, "You look adorable."

I slapped him again, harder, and I could see where my nails dug into his skin. He looked at me with shock and he frowned. I immediately felt terrible, from it didn't even look that bad. Draco tried walking through the portrait hole but my hand caught his as he tried to leave, his gaze focused on he hard floor. [photo]

"Draco- I'm sorry." I muttered.

He turned around and lifted me off my feet. I smiled and screeched, kicking for him to put me down. He ran, with me on his back, out the portrait hole. We got stares of confusion, amusement, even admiration, as I laughed and flailed around.

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