Chapter 11- Battle of Hogwarts Celebration

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I changed into a different outfit, of black skinny jeans and an orange long sleeved sugar skull shirt. I paired it up with a pair of Velcro-up ankle boots. [photo] I threw my robe on top just to be more school-attired and headed down, to where Pansy and Phoebe were waiting for boys named Blaise and the one-and-only Draco.

Draco and Blaise trotted down the staircase and Blaise almost fell, stumbling on the last step.

"Ready?" He said awkwardly, speaking over the muffled laughter.

We all nodded and headed down to the Great Hall. It wasn't as filled as earlier, seeing as the 1st through 4th years weren't even present. That's 4 whole years out of the question. We sat in their normal seats as McGonagall cleared her throat at the mic. I didn't want to sit with them, seeing as I had only just met 3 of them, so I ran over next to Ron.

I hugged him tight, "I missed you guys!"

Hermione laughed, "Same to you!" I looked at Ron again, "I see you've found the pug...." He added sharply.

I nodded, "She seems alright, though. I've just met her and I may not be on her bad side."

Hermione smirked, "By sitting with us you'll be on her bad side in no time."

"Attention students, settle down. You may be wondering why I have brought you here and why you will be learning only spells and potions this year. This is because we are having a special celebration in honor of the Battle of Hogwarts. This will be taking place in the beginning of October, the 5th to be exact. This will be an event much like the Yule Ball. Very formal and dates ARE recommended, yet not mandatory." She announced.

Muttered whispering could be processed throughout the hall as this was said.

She unnecessarily cleared her throat loudly and the room was once again filled with silence, "Now, you aren't required to wear your robes. Only when in classes are you strictly required. You all have been designated to be helping prepare for this year's celebration. You will be put into small groups. Find a group of- at maximum- 5 and at minimum- 3. Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I all exchanged glances. Draco tiptoed beside Neville, clearly annoyed at the remarks of his peers. Luna joined our table as well. They gave small smiles, but Ginny decided to join Neville's group, and Draco happily joined the seat beside me. He smirked and we payed attention yet again.

"Now that I see you've all assigned your own groups, there are jobs you must complete." She announced, "Neville's group and Lavender's will be on the student attending list. Make sure everyone who's attending signs a form you must pass out and they must be returned by the middle of September.

"Harry's group and every other will be on decor. Agree on proper decorations for a 'sky' theme." She nodded. "Alright, back to your dorms. You have work to do."

The silence died as she turned back to us, "Oh, and no magic for this task."

The students groaned, as did we. We all rushed to our dorms and Neville looked upset beside me.

"Neville, what's the matter?" I asked calmly.

He gulped, "Nothing. I'm fine."

"Neville, you can tell me anything. Trust me." I begged.

He sighed, "I- I can't even associate with one girl in my group! Luna. Blimey, I fancy Luna. Don't tell her."

I smiled, they did look cute together. I put a hand on his shoulder and nodded, "Its alright. You'll figure out something. In the mean time, I'll be in my room."

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