Chapter 23- Malfoy Manor

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I apparated, arm in arm, with him to find a ginormous manor. He led me inside, and I was greeted by a stunning woman and a very tall, serious man.

"Ah, Draco. Glad to have you back, my son!" The woman introduced sweetly.

He broke away from me and hugged her dearly.

"Ah, Draco. Yes, it's ... grand." The man said in the same monotone voice as Professor Snape.

"Mother, Father, this is Sloane Wolfe." Draco introduced me sternly, "She'll be staying with us over break."

His mother smiled and walked over to me, "Ah, so beautiful. Simply divine! I'm Mrs. Malfoy, but please call me Narcissa."

I shook her hand and grinned, "Pleasure miss."

The man stepped forward with a towering figure, staring down at me with a deep expression of authority.

"I'm Lucious. You will call me Sir Malfoy or Sir. Nothing more, nothing less." The man ordered strictly. With that notion, he took deepening strides out of the room.

Narcissa gave me a look of compassion but I smiled at her. "Thank you for welcoming me into your home, Narcissa."

She embraced me into a hug and held my shoulders firm as she took me all in.

"No problem, Sloane. Now, Draco dear, will you call in Deesey and Darby please?"

Draco nodded and called, "DEESEY! DARBY!"

Suddenly, two house elves came scuttling  through the huge living room doors. They both had browned and dirty loin clothes on, though one had a cloth around its chest area as well. I believed it to be a female.

"Yes mistress?" The female asked.

Narcissus giggled, "Deesey, this is Sloane Wolfe."

She looked up and me and took a forced step closer, "Ah, Mistress Wolfe. Deesey sees how lovely you are. Indeed, Deesey finds you shall make a good couple with Master Draco."

I felt my face turn beet red and I looked at the polished marble flooring, "Well, I-I... we aren't..." I stuttered. Narcissa giggled once more and I glanced at Draco, blushing nervously.

"Ah, well. Deesey, you will show Sloane to her room." Narcissa demanded. "And Darby," she glanced over at the male elf, "You will start cooking food for our guest."

He nodded and I took Deesey's hand. We walked into the hallway, the large doors slamming behind us. A elegant grand staircase sat in the center of the large hall, and we walked up the left side. As we reached the top, a blonde figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Deesey, that will be enough." They said sternly.

"Y-Yes Sir Malfoy. Deesey shall start to make the tea." She left swiftly and Lucious stepped closer to me, lifting my chin with his thumb. He turned my face from side to side, as if observing me. Lucious dropped my face quickly and scowled with a menacing glare.

"You aren't a pureblood." He growled. I gulped, "N-no Sir. I am a half-blood. My father is a muggle and my mother was half Veela, half witch. Sir."

He growled at me and whispered with a demanding grimace, " You will not, and I repeat, NEVER, see my son as you are here. He deserves only pureblood Slytherin, unlike yourself."

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