Chapter 7- The Truth

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Ginny fell to the floor in shock, her beautiful red locks knotted up and cascading over her deep expression. She blew her hair out of her eyes and sighed.

"Oh bloody hell, Sloane! Why him!" She pleaded half-jokingly, "Ron... he never understands feelings and can take the slightest thing in the wrong manner. Best friends is how you should stay. You're smart, find a nice Ravenclaw boy or something!"

I exhaled deeply and replied, "Well, he thinks I've fallen for a  Slytherin snake whom he just happens to despise."

"Let's change the subject, please." I begged.

Ginny huffed slightly and thought, "Didn't that letter say it was your birthday?"

I gave her a sly smile and she giggled, "I may have read your letter... happy birthday!"

I embraced her and we walked into the hallway to spread the news. I heard a door open behind us but I didn't think that much of it.

"So, you don't like Draco? You swear?" Ginny asked almost too loudly.

"I swear." I saluted jokingly.

We walked down the stairs and Ginny screamed the news. Almost instantaneously, everyone congratulated me and apparated off to probably buy me a gift.

"I'll be back, I have shopping to do! Oh, and put on something fancy!" Ginny squealed.

I smiled and walked into my bedroom. I whipped opened my closet and located just the thing I was looking for. I slipped it on and twirled for effect. After, I used  a spell Hermione had taught me to apply a pale pink lipgloss, shimmery cobalt blue eyeshadow, and a black mascara with a cateye eyeliner. I threw my hair up into a matching style and looked at myself in the full length mirror resting on the inside of my white painted closet door.

My hair was brushed back into a curly mass of brown hair, with a small black and white bow off to the side. My dress was strapless, short, halfway up my thigh, with scattered black floral patterns. My heels were 3inches high and a polished black, and I held a tiny black purse to complete the look. Finally, a small, black, arrow-shaped bracelet curled up my right arm in an eccentric, jeweled manner. I looked decent for once. [photo]

I heard bangs from Ron's room and I predicted he had never left or has already returned from his trip. A knock escaped from the front door and I rushed down to open it. It was Draco.

"Hey beautiful! Wow..." he said, looking at my getup.

I smiled and hugged him, "Great to see you so soon! On the same day, to say the least."

He walked in and responded huskily with a smirk, "Yup. I wouldn't miss it, beautiful. Besides, I promised to be able to bake the cookies without magic. Ive been practicing."

I lead him to the kitchen and he started whipping around the materials and tools. I backed out slowly and right into the person I wanted to see least, Ronald. All my negative feelings faded away when I saw him though.

He looked so handsome in his pale blue polo shirt and slicked down black pants. His scuffed black shoes were replaced with dressy, clicking ones. His tamed hair was now strewn about his freckled head in an appealing manner. He stared at me as if I was the only living creature in the world.

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