•EPILOGUE• {Chapter 35}

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I groaned as little Rosalie jumped on me restlessly.

"Get up mommy!" Her glowing blue eyes twinkling against her soft chocolate hair.

Her brother, Hugh, walked in shortly.

"Get off of mother. Dad is already downstairs cooking pancakes." He groaned, leaving me with his little sister.

She huffed, "Mommy, why can't I go to Hogwarts?"

I sat up, plucking her off of my stomach and placing her next to me.

"You will in two years my sweet. Just wait and it'll be worth it." I smiled.

She hugged me close, "I love you Mom."

"I love her too." A familiar voice said from the doorway. "I finished the pancakes Rosie, go down and get them!"

She catapulted off the bed and ran down the creaky wooden stairs. Ron came from the doorway and lay down beside me, sighing in the process.

"I can't believe little Hugh is growing up so fast. He's starting his first year of Hogwarts..." I breathed out.

Ron laughed, "I'm glad. I wouldn't want him to go to any other school. After all, he might kiss his first girlfriend there. But I sure do hope Rosie isn't the same."

I punched his arm playfully, "Oh Father's. So overprotective. Just let her live!"

Ron eyes me suspiciously, "Why are you so ok with this? Scorpius already fancies her a bit!"

I laughed, "How did you feel when my father went psycho and kidnapped me? You loved me."

He tried to contain the truth in his tone as he finally agreed, but I heard it. Scorpions could MARRY Rosalie for all I cared! I trusted him. And besides, they are in the same year and are both an age of 9.

"Are you ready to bring out lovely children to the platform?" Ron asked suddenly.

I shot up, "WHEN DOES THAT LEAVE?! Everything has to be ready, Rosalie isn't even dressed, oh what do we do!"

He laughed, kissing my lips to shut me up. I tried to deepen it but we were interrupted by a fierce Hugh.

"Ew you two, get a room. I didn't need to see that!" He gawked.

I put a hand on my hip sassily, "This is our room, young man."

I got a closer look at him. He had the same freckles as Ron, except his hair was chocolate brown as mine. Ron and I both had blue eyes, but his took on the softness of Ron's.

Rosalie ran in, all dressed except her shoes were on the wrong feet. Her short red hair went to her shoulders, and her blue eyes matching my own gleamed in excitement.

"I'm ready Mom!" She yelled into my ear.

I rolled my eyes and picked her up, and carried her back to Hugh's room to help him pack, despite his pleading protests.

"Alright. Time to get dressed." I huffed out.

I put on a pair of jeans, black flats, and a nice gray tshirt with my leather jacket Ron bought me on our honeymoon.

"It still fits like a glove." He commented, as I threw my hair into a high ponytail.

I pretended to be offended, "Is that a bad thing Mr. Weasley?"

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