Chapter 28- Home Again, Hopefully Forever

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I woke up feeling groggy and a terrible pain shot through my head. I groaned and fluttered open my eyes, adjusting to the newfound light.

"She's awake..." A female voice muttered softly. Another followed, "Let her get accustomed."

As soon as my aqua eyes could observe my surroundings, I saw the people I adored most. Hermione and Ginny sat at the door of my familiar black and white duvet covered bed. Fred and Draco stood behind them grinning nervously. George, Molly, and Arthur were all looking down at me from my side, and Ron was closest. His eyes shone bright and were filled with dread. I noticed his hand was stroking my head softly and the other hand was rubbing my face with his thumb.

"Wolfie, Wolfie its alright." He murmured.

I sat up, instantly remembering the throbbing pain in my head.

"R-Ron..." I croaked out. This brought back way to many cold memories of my sore throat and him finding me at the bottom of their dusty fireplace.

"Shhh, it's alright. I'm here, we're all here." He comforted.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt better immediately, and Draco muttered softly. "What happened?"

I tried moving my legs but as soon as my ankles slid on the cyan bed sheets, pain rippled through my body. I screamed out in agony and removed the duvet and covers hoarsely. My ankles were wrapped in millions of bandages.

"The pain caused by this was no muggle injury we could instantly repair," Molly started. Arthur gulped and continued, "We believe that your father is a secret wizard, a half blood at least, because that wire is enchanted. Either he bought it on the black market, or he's a wizard himself."

My body tenses up even further as I thought of my father being some sort of secret criminal
or a dark wizard. As much as it made sense, I couldn't bring myself to it.

"Your torn up pretty badly. We're lucky we made it out in time, the pitbulls were getting frustrated downstairs." Harry explained.

I nodded, eyes still closed, to acknowledge his statement.

"She needs time. I'll let you all in after she's comfortable," Molly stated finally after a few minutes of awkward silence.

Ron protested, "Please mum, I need to be with her."

She objected immediately, "Ron, I do not believe that is a good idea..."

I tried raising my hand and croaked out, "R-Ron, s-sta-ay."

Molly sighed and defeat and I heard her footsteps, as long as the others, trail behind her. The door clicked shut and I could still feel Ron's steady breaths beside me. I mustered the last of my strength to pat the bed beside me. I instantly regretted it as pain coursed up my arms and shoulders.

The bed sank beside me as Ron's cautious body lay beside me. I shivered, the blood loss caused me to feel cold even under all the blankets and duvet. I knew he got the message as his arms draped around my shoulders after a minutes hesitation.

"I love you Wolfie. And if anyone tries to take you away again, boy they're gonna get it." He chuckled nervously as he tried to lighten the mood.

I snuggled closer and ignored the throbbing pain in my head as I did so. I loved him. He loved me.

I strained myself to open my eyes as state into the cerulean depths in front of me, "I l-love you m-or-re."

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