Chapter 4- Presents for All

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I excused myself quickly from the group and ran up the stairs. I changed into an aqua and white striped sweater, black skinny jeans, off-white infinity scarf, cream lace up shoes, accessorizing black hipster glasses, and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I pulled out the present from underneath my bed and ran down the stairs.

"I'm back!" I said quietly.

Ron, and- too my surprise- Draco, smiled at my entrance.

"You look enchanting," Draco said smirking.

I felt myself grow hot again. I saw a fiery glare out of the corner of my eye and saw Ron. When he noticed me looking at him he shyly grinned and turned to Harry. Harry's eyes were wide when he saw my gift.

"I'll do mine last." I replied.

Ginny went first and got him a silver band ring that read, "We are one." Also, she got him a signed autograph of the best Quidditch seeker of all time. Hermione got him a box filled with Quidditch player cards and a silver chain with a small golden fitch at the end.

"You'll be a living jewelry store, dear! Not that's it's a bad thing!"

Harry laughed and opened Fred and George's gift, a whole premium collection of only the best of their jokes and tricks.

"For the school year," George explained.

Fred replied, "We know you may need them."

Harry grinned at Mr and Weasley's gift of a big red and yellow striped sweater with a giant, knitted, white cursive H in the middle. Ron handed him state of the art Quidditch gear, only the best. Draco got him a new Quidditch set, Ron growling hatefully at their similar minds.

"Thanks so much!" Harry said to everyone.

I wagged my finger, "Not yet! You still have mine!"

Harry smiled wide when the big box landed in his hands. When the lid was lifted off, everyone gasped except Ronald. It was the newest broom, the Firebolt 3000. Only the greatest of wizards had it so far, but before I had escaped I had grabbed a handful of galleons, and much more in a small pouch. When he read the card he looked up at me smiling.

"Id love to be your friend, You New Girl." He laughed slightly, referring to my card.

I hugged him and stepped back beside Ron. He hesitantly put a hand around my shoulder and squeezed me once.

"Good idea Ronald, one point towards Weasley house." He whispered jokingly, pointing at the gift I had given Harry. After all, he had recommended it.

Ron Pov

She laughed and I quickly let go of her shoulder. Her laugh and smile lit up the whole room. Sloane was already a great friend to everyone. Especially a best friend to me. I had immediately warmed up to her when she didn't flinch at my touch that time I first carried her up the stairs.

No one has really shared an immediate bond with me like Sloane has, only Harry. I had at first thought Hermione was a pain, now she's just a good friend.

"Ronald?" Her voice broke through my thoughts.

I looked at her glistening face, "Yeah Wolfie?"

She smiled at her new nickname, "Want to help me fill my room?"

I nodded, but I honestly had no idea what she meant. She grabbed my hand, along with Draco's, and dragged us to her room. I didn't know why she had to bring him along. Sure, he changed and was a good guy now, but I didn't like the idea of her hanging out with him all the time. A feeling overwhelmed me when they laughed together that I've never felt before.

"Here we are!" She giggled, gesturing to her radiant room.

Draco recreated his signature smirk, "Its lovely, I see why a girl like you would live in it."

I looked at her face, knowing that a comment like this would make her be flushed, and I was correct. Her pale ears glowed a rosy red and she shyly smirked. I noticed all her drawers were labeled with a small yet readable cursive words. She went over to unlabeled drawer by her bedside and pulled out a camera. A Polaroid to be exact.

"Want to take a picture?" She asked us.

Draco nodded and touched her shoulder lightly. I hugged her and said yes, to hopefully outplay him. She gave me a look saying: why did you do that? I shrugged in response. She shrugged it off as well and we both squeezed in beside her on either side. She turned the lens so it faced us and snapped a photo. We looked at it and I looked terrible as usual, but Draco and her looked perfect, especially complimenting each other's features in the picture.

It rolled out of the camera and she opened her closet, revealing a processing station so the pictures could be dilated. She put the picture next a tray full of liquid that looked like water.

"Draco! Come here!" Yelled Harry's voice from downstairs.

Draco nodded at us and ran down the stairs. She closed the door and looked at me.

"I'm gonna frame this." She said, pointing at the camera.

I gave her a confused look and she turned the camera towards herself. Before I knew what was going on, her soft lips planted themselves against my cheek. The camera snapped and a flash occurred.

"Bloody hell!" I yelled in shock.

She giggled and looked at the photo. Her fluttery eyes were closed and her lips were pressed against my bright red cheek. My eyes were wide and my mouth was open in shock. Then I realized, she said she was going to frame it. She placed it in the water and moved it around until it formed, and she hung it on a clothespin to dry.

"Why would you frame that?" I asked quietly.

She laughed, "You're my best friend."

I smiled brightly and she wrote something in thick black sharpie at the bottom of the photo in the white margin:

My Best Friend Ron - 7/31/1997

I smiled as she plucked an empty picture frame from atop the small dresser and placed the photo inside. Above the small dresser was a pin board with some thumbtacks inserted. She took the now dilated the photo of Her, Draco, and I and pinned it up. I watched carefully as she moved our framed picture to her beside dresser.

"There. Now, I can always see you." She smiled.

I couldn't help but feel a bit fuzzy inside as she said this. Ron what exactly were you feeling? You've never felt this exact feeling before, not to anyone.

"Ron? Are you alright?" She asked sweetly. "I can rid of it if you're uncomfortable."

I shook my head slightly, staring into space, "No,no, it's lovely. Keep it there."

She waved a smooth had in front of my face a couple times, "Hello? Earth to Ron?"

I snapped out of my trance but couldn't stop thinking: Ron, what was this new feeling?

A/N- It looks like Ronald Bilius Weasley formed a new feeling. Any really-obvious-it's-crazy guess on what it is? Never mind its so obvious no need to state it. Anyways, lets go on to the next chapter. See you then my little wizards!

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