Chapter 22- Christmas Parade

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Sorry about this... TIME SKIP

Today was the Christmas Celebration Parade. It was exactly one week before Christmas, and everyone had two weeks off for vacation. The Weasley's owled me and said they couldn't wait to have me back. Ever since I'd been there, they've been getting happier letters from Ron and they enjoyed that dearly.

I slipped on my most Slytherin type outfit since I would be on the float. They had just invented a giant floor on wheels that you decorate and rode in for parades and events of the sort. I curled my silky blonde hair and let it hang loosely on my back. I slipped on an evergreen sweater and tight faded jeans. I matched it with a silver beanie hat, a snake ring and necklace, and darker evergreen boots. I double checked for Ron's ring, it was always there, and quickly packed my bag for the holiday weeks. [photo]

I was greeted at the common room was half of Slytherin there. Most of the people there were first and second years, then there were my friends.

Phoebe stood next to Astoria, who had become her best friend more than I was. I didn't mind, for my friends were always there. Phoebe was still super kind to me, and we conversed sometime in classes. Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco stood in a corner with their matching Slytherin cardigans, but Draco's was more vibrant than the rest. Pansy bullied a few of the first years with a girl named Millicent. If heard from Phoebe that she switched her dorm to hers.

"Ah, Sloane!" Draco called me over. I hugged him tight and he eyed me, "Bloody hell, you look gorgeous..."

I giggled and Blaise interrupted, "So, Sloane, will- Uh- Mione... I MEAN HERMIONE, WAIT MUDBLOOD.. be there? Just wondering..."

I laughed and punched him in the shoulder, "Oh it's fine Blaise. I know about you guys, I have for a while. Draco does as well."

He nodded, smirking, and Blaise sighed, "Oh thank goodness."

We all laughed until we realized Crabbe and Goyle were still there, glaring down at Blaise.

"What?! You're snogging the mudblood at night?" Goyle hissed. Draco shoved them away and took my hand.

He dragged me to an empty corner and stared me in the eyes, "Listen, Sloane. I know ow you're dating the Weasel- I'm sorry. I mean Ron. But, will you remember how much I love you?"

I smiled and kissed his cheek softly, "Of course Draco." He smiled and pulled out a familiar box, and he opened it.

Inside were the diamond earrings that he presumed me with when he asked for me to be his girlfriend. I gasped and he put them in my ears for me, being more careful than he actually had to be. Though, there's no elegant way for someone to put in your earrings.

He summoned a mirror and gave it to me, and I admired them. I felt tears prick my eyes and I jumped into his arms.

"Thank you, Draco! They're dazzling." I remarked.

He held me close and whispered into my ears, sending me shivers, "Not as breathtaking as the lass in my arms."

I smiled to myself and pulled away, "Not to be a mood-killer, but I have to meet Ron before the parade."

He waved it off, "Go see your boyfriend, love. I'll be waiting for you."

I grinned and ran out of the portrait, going into the closet where we had our fiery and passionate kiss. Where I realized how much I really loved him.

"Ello love." He said, stepping out of the corner after locking the door with his wand.

I giggled and immaturely imitated him, "Ello love."

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