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Oh my gosh, guys, I honestly never thought this story would get this many reads! I'm almost in tears on how honored and happy this makes me 😭💕 The people who comment, vote, and even just read my story are incredible and I wish I could meet every one of you guys who loves my writing.

On another note... I know I don't respond to comments or tags and I'm super sorry about that. I'm not writing on this account any longer, but I do help my friend I_Solemnly_Swear_05 with her stories. We have a similar writing style and I actually recommend her 😉. It's just with school and all my extracurricular activities I haven't had a lot of time to commit to writing my own stories.

If you want to message me just to talk or to recommend a story, I'd be happy to hear ideas because my friend is a little stuck on what to write after her current novel and I'll give her suggestions and help write. Just message me at I_Solemnly_Swear_05 because I check in at least once a week. If it's not me responding, it's most likely her. Just say that other Ally sent you because she's my Ally name-twin 😁

Thanks for all of your support and love, I wouldn't have made it this far without you guys ❤️.

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