Chapter 5- Diagon Alley

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I walked down the stairs as Draco was leaving. I ran up to my new friend and gave him a quick hug.

"Hope that wasn't odd seeing as we just met." I giggled.

He waved it off, "No, gorgeous, anything from you I shall cherish."

I have to admit, Draco was great with words. He was very artistic in that matter. Ron let out a slight sigh from behind me and I remembered his behavior from earlier. Staring off into space, staring at the photo and smiling, staring at me. He seemed sick today, so I ignored this new behavior.

"Bye Draco." Everyone said and I waved at him as he apparated off to what everyone said was Malfoy Manor.

We had finished the cake after Draco left, seeing as he had to go early and he would've been rushed to eat it.

"Wolfie?" Ron asked worriedly.

I peeked over his shoulder to see the parchment he was looking at.

"Hogwarts?" I asked confused.

Hermione gasped and grabbed it from my hand, showing it to everyone around the house.

Harry grinned, "Don't we all remember when we got ours?"

Everyone seemed to sigh slightly and I grabbed it, "I never get letters, not once. I'm sure this isn't for me."

I turned it over and was proved wrong as it read, "Ms. Sloane Rosalie Wolfe."

I gulped and tore it open to read the fine printed lettering:

Hogwarts School
of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall

Dear Ms. Wolfe,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31.

Yours truly,
Minerva McGonagall

I smiled deeply as the thought that I'd be surrounded by more Wizards and Witches than these friendly people. I jumped up and hugged Ron, and heard the twins snicker.

"Oh hush you two!" Molly hissed.

Harry smirked and Ginny sighed, "I think it's rather sweet."

Realizing what they meant I jumped down and cleared my throat awkwardly. Ron gasped in surprise and we all looked at him.

"Blimey we have to go get your supplies right now!" Ron gasped.

I found the enclosed lists and looked at it,

Dear reader,

The previously promised list is no longer being distributed  for 5-8 year students due to a change in their learning plan this year. Take with you only your wand and messenger owls, and the books of spells and potions. Inform the other wizards you know, Thank you.

Yours truly,
Headmaster McGonagall

Everyone glanced at each other giving confused looks.

"I wonder..." Hermione thought.

Ron gasped again, "Guys! She stills needs a wand, owl, and two books!"

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