Chapter 30- Waterfall

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WE HAVE REACHED 30 DAMN CHAPTERS! And, a beautiful 500 views! I'm so happy for the support guys, thank you so much for choosing my story to read out of millions of others. Love you all!

Shoutout to @XthatONEchicX for inspiring me with your story "Roommates" and for this chapter. Enjoy the story!


I smiled as he tossed a grape into his mouth. I was surprised at the formality of this date. He had asked Molly and Ginny to make us two corned beef sandwiches and pumpkin pasties. Also, he added the muggle fruit of grapes which I adored.

He tried to toss another grape into his peppermint scented mouth and misses horrendously. The grape missed his mouth MY at least a foot and I laughed crazily.

Shooting me a loving glare he laughed along.

"What was all this for?" I asked with amazement as we finsihed off the last of our sandwiches. My watch chimed 6pm and he shot up.

"BLIMEY! WE HAVE TO BE SOMEWHERE!" He screamed. He pulled out his wand, screaming, "Tergeo."

Our mess was cleaned up, and oddly enough our whole picnic disappeared. Grabbing my hand with a smile, we apparated to a new location.

The rushing water and crowds of people told me we were at a very adored muggle location. We stepped out from the hidden tree that we appeared behind, and walked over to the waterfall.

"It's called Niagra Falls." He said with that adorable crooked smile.

I gazed into the water, "Oh its lovely!" I gasped.

He looked at me, "Yeah, ITS the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Oh, and the waterfall is lovely too."

I smiled sweetly at him at his cheesy excuse of admitting his feelings and rested my head against his shoulder. I was 19, but I was still shorter than the towering Ronald Weasley. I mean, he was 20 now.

Suddenly, he broke away and ran off. Leaving me to look at the waterfall. Really Ron, 2 years of behind together and you decide to ditch me now?

He called out over his shoulder, "Be right back!"

I giggled and looked back at where he was headed. Not to my surprise, it was in the small housing for the loo. Oh Ron.

"Excuse me miss," An older man with a stubble and slight Scottish accent approached me.

I nodded, "Yes?"

Another man holding a large case walked over, "Are you Miss Sloane Wolfe?"

I smiled, "That's me, yes."

They nodded and called over another man. They each pulled out an instrument and I giggled. A serenade? What a lovely surprise.

A light tap on my shoulder forced my to turn around. Thrown over his polo was an unbuttoned black dressy jacket. His converse were switched up with a pair of polished dress shoes.

"Ron... what are you doing?" I asked with a giggle.

With a deep breath he got down on one knee. My hands flew up to my face and covered my glossed lips. I almost felt like crying. One by one, friends and people I happily would call family showed up in the crowd. Molly, Arthur, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Fred, Draco, George, to my surprise Bill, Fleur and Charlie who I met last year, and Phoebe. I turned my attention back to a shaking Ron.

"I know we're a little young, but I couldn't wait any longer. Sloane you make me the happiest man alive and I can't help myself when I'm around you but to smile and laugh. I feel the need to always protect you, even if it's from someone as harmless as Fred or George or my over-obsessive sister." He started.

This earned a few tearful snickers from the family, and the crowd got silent as they listened in.

"Will you, Sloane 'Wolfie' Rosalie Wolfe, do me the great pleasure and honor of protecting you forever and be my wife?" He stated, a joyful tear springing to his eye.

I gasped and tears ran down my face, smiling brightly, "I will Ron. The answer is yes. A thousand times yes. I love you!"

I held out my left hand, and he placed the ring above his other one. I admired it shortly, taking in the fact that it had a giant square shaped diamond smack in the center of the expensive silver band. I jumped into his arms and kissed his face all over, finally meeting his lips in a salty, wet, connection.

"I love you too." He whispered.

Don't go hating on me and saying they're too young. LOVE IS NEVER TO YOUNG! I mean, just look at all those 3 and 4 year olds who have supposed boyfriends and girlfriends. It's absolutely adorable!

If you want to see the ring, it's at the top of the chapter. I want this story to stretch out to at least 35 chapters with the Epilogue as 35, so the cheaters may be a bit short. Oh well.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, love you all my little wizards. Gotta blast!

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