Chapter 16- More Labor

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It was a few days after Draco had asked me to be, well, his. I had been avoiding everyone, only showing up to rehearsals and to place a few decorations. Ginny had tried talking to me about that night, but I brushed past her and went to my dorm. I hadn't eaten anything, my mind rushing with questions.

What do I say if I tried saying no?

How would I say yes after all this thinking?

What would we even do as a couple, anyways?

How would I talk to anyone?

I got up from bed; it was now officially a week away from the ball. I still had Draco and Ron's offers hanging on the line. I haven't talked to either of them in days, so I wouldn't know if they've snatched themselves anyone new.

"Uh, come on Sloane, lets get dressed." A blonde haired voice stated from the bed beside mine.

I sat up to see Phoebe sitting with her arms crossed, already set for the day. I rolled my eyes and changed into a loose burgundy sweater, black leggings, and white vans. I knotted my lilac hair into a bun, paired with a soft white headband. I magiced some cateye eyeliner, navy mascara, and light lip gloss. [photo]

I muttered, "Lets go. Where are we going?"

Phoebe snickered, "Someone had requested to see you."

I rolled my eyes and started thinking: who? Pansy has been hanging out with the freak Lavender, so it couldn't have been her. She led me into the Room of Requirements, after the gigantic door finally appeared. She shoved me in and slammed it behind me, not entering for herself. I sprung into the air as I heard a shuffling noise from behind an old wardrobe.

"Who's there? I'm armed." I whispered, raising my wand.

"Wolfie?" A frightened voice said, emerging his head.

I sighed in relief and shoved my wand into a pocket I had formed in my sweater, "Ron! Oh thank goodness."

He smiled and walked over to me, holding my hands in his own.

"Wolfie, I know you have a lot to think about. But I was wondering if you'd be my date to the ball? It's the only thing I can think about." He stammered.

I looked at the ground and then searched his face with my normal colored eyes, "Ron, I want to, but you know I have another offer and a different- more serious one- from the same person..."

He let go of my hands and walked a few feet away, not facing me.

"I get it, I just want you to know that my offer is always standing, and I'll be waiting at the dance for you. Even if you decide at the very end to leave with me, I'll be waiting." He whispered, and he left the room.

I sighed and walked out, only to crash into someone, falling atop of them.

"I'm so so so sorry!" I gushed and helped them up, seeing gorgeous grey eyes.

"Why does fate always bring me to the most awkward situations!" I yelled at the ceiling.

Draco scowled at me, "Thanks for ignoring me, Wolfe. It's nice to know you care."

I gapped, "Excuse me? You asked me out of the blue, and Ive been stressed out for the past few days! Don't you give me that!"

He snapped, "Ive taken Pansy's offer, and I'm going to the dance with her. My hand is no longer yours, Wolfe. Have fun with Weaslebee."

I slapped his cheek, "Ive been nothing but nice to you! So what, Ive been stressed and am taking time for myself. That doesn't change the fact that you asked me to be your girlfriend in front of all my friends, and expect me to suddenly be all cheery if I haven't answered yet! You're such a git."

He looked at the floor then back at me angrily, "Is that a yes then? Wolfe?"

I hissed, "I'd rather go with the Dark Lord."

I stomped off to the Great Hall, where decorations were still being perfected. McGonagall was there, inspecting everything. The DJ stand was being tested by the DJ himself, Goyle. The announcer was none other than Harry. Ginny was setting the disco ball in place along with Neville and Luna. I couldn't wait to see them together at the celebration, he had to ask her eventually.

"Sloane!" It was Hermione. She waved me over to her at a pile full of tables.

"Help me, would you?" She asked, lifting one end of a table. I lifted the other and we dragged it over to an empty space in the room. Ron ran over and unfolded the legs, and we let go with a huff. We did this for the other 2 tables and high fived in success.

"Alright, now I need a refreshment." I sighed.

Hermione giggled, "These are the refreshment tables, but we seem to be missing the refreshments themselves."

Ron laughed with me and I sat in some random chair. Ron noticed me, tired and panting, and lifted me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I joked.

He slyly grinned, "Giving you a rest." I smiled and nuzzled my head into his chest. It was warm, and comfortable, just as I imagined. Not that I was imagining this... oh my. I mentally facepalmed.

"Ron," I whispered sleepily, "I'll go to the dance with you."

I yawned and found myself drifting to sleep.

So, this was a short chapter. Next chapter is one that we've ALL been waiting for, I believe. Well, see you next chapter my little wizards! Gotta blast.

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