Chapter 20- Thanksgiving

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We've reached 20 chapters! WOOHOO!

We walked inside to see Fred, George, Molly, Ginny, and Arthur. Hermione and Harry still haven't apparated yet.

"Hello Sloane! Lovely having you back!" Molly cheered.

I smiled and gave her a hug, next shaking Arthur's hand. As much as I've gained their trust, I was now dating their son. I needed to be extra nice today and- hopefully- Christmas break.

"Come in Ronniekins!" Fred cheered from the dining room. George added, "We have the whole table set up for when Hermione and Harry decide to join us." After hearing Hermione in the library, I could see Ginny tensing up and the thought of them being there together.

"Well Ron! What happened to the girl you were going to bring for Thanksgiving and Christmas huh? You told me to expect one eh?" Arthur nudged his son.

Ron did the cutest crooked smile and blushed from his ears to his chin.

"She's, closer than you think dad." He said nervously. He gasped, "She's on her way? Bloody brilliant."

Ron and I were standing so close that our fingers were laced together behind our backs. Molly came in from the kitchen, "Oh shush dear. You'll meet her shortly." She spotted our hands and winked.

I giggled softly and excused myself, running up to my bedroom. I opened it wide and took in the view, smiling. Everything was in its place. I plopped onto the bed grinning foolishly. Suddenly, and arm draped around my waist.

"What was that for?" I asked smiling. Ron rubbed the nape of his neck and did his signature crooked smile. "I have no idea... maybe it's because you're so bloody gorgeous."

A giggle could be heard from the doorway as I saw Fred standing there watching us.

"When's old pop going ta find out, dear Ronniekins?" He teased. Ron waved him off, kissed my forehead, and we walked out.

"You haven't answered my question, brother. How did you score such a dame as she?" Fred questioned, kissing my hand with nobility.

Ron steamed up, but controlled his anger. I found his jealousy amusing and sweet. Little did he know I had no intention to be with Fred, but we needed to get him and Hermione together and quick. I winked at Fred, and pulled him into a deep hug. I strutted down the staircase with the background music of two fighting Weasley's.

I wound up in the dining room and saw everyone settling down at the table. I called Ron's name and he sprung down the staircase and pulled out my chair. I smiled and he sat next to me, Fred winking as he entered.

Harry and Hermione arrived moments earlier, apparently when I was in my room, and everyone dove in.

"Don't eat to fast or you'll be like Ron." Ginny giggled at my eating.

I glanced to see his ears bright red and I grinned to myself slightly. Fred cleared his throat and the whole tables exchanged eye contact with him.

"Sloane here has a boyfriend, as well as Ton who has a girlfriend." He blurred with a smirk. George clapped, "Care to tell, we do love romance!" Fred and him made duck faces and the table erupted with laughter.

Hermione, Harry, and Ginny smirked to themselves, as did Fred, for they all knew about Ron and I. I didn't understand why it was such a big deal. Molly grinned and set her fork down.

"Now, he better be suitable. You're now like my second daughter. No bad boys, no, as the muggles say, 'gangsters', and no creeps." Arthur stated clearly.

I smiled, and nudged Ron discreetly, "Oh, no worries. Though I can't say anything about the creep part."

Ron yelled, "HEY!"

Ginny and Hermione giggled and Harry shook his head with a smile. Arthur deepened his lean towards the table and looked rather interested.

"Is it Harry? Why is Ron so offended? Molly, do you know?" He asked with confusion.

Molly took Ginny's hand as Harry and Hermione followed. "Oh, dear, it's much more than that." Fred snickered as George leaned in like his father.

"Why are we the only two that don't know, father?" George asked, "Fred? Why do you know! Is it you!?"

Ron clenched his fists under the table and Fred smirked, "Oh I wish. Sloane is a bloody angel. Her voice is like sweet music to my ears and I only wish I could feel those soft, warm lips against my own..."

I knew what he was doing and before I could stop, Ron stood up abruptly and pushed his chair out doing so. He lunged across the table, "THATS MY BLIMEY GIRLFRIEND YOURE TALKING ABOUT THERE FREDDY!"

George gave a gasp and Arthur sighed, "I should've known."

I laughed and pulled Ron's arm so he faced me with his sparkling cerulean eyes. I kissed his nose and slipped off to the living room and shouted, "Thanks for caring, Ickle Ronniekins!"

Hermione walked up to me and pulled me to my room. She locked the door and cast a spell that made the room sound proof.

"He kissed me!" She screeched. I covered my ears then it processed, "HE WHAT?!"

She smiled and collapsed on my bed, "Oh it was marvelous. I was in my room, brushing my hair as soon as I arrived. Then, he waltzed in and hugged me. He said he felt sorry for me being sad, said he could see it in my eyes. I hugged him back and before I knew it, I saw his eyes glow and he leaned it. It was remarkable!"

So that's why Fred had been near the rooms. He was making moves on Mione!

I sat down next to her and pat her head, "I am so happy for you. But when do Ginny's feelings take into account Mione."

She frowned and sat up, "I have no idea. Oh Sloane what do I do! If we become a couple and we break up, what side will people take?!"

I pat her back, "If it happens I'll force Ron to take your side. Now, about your dating history..."

She sighed at me, "We kissed at the Battle, and we dated for a little while afterwards. We grew out of love, its alright."

I nodded and she reversed the spell, and we walked out. Fred smiled at her as entered but I turned her away from him. I had nothing against him, but it wasn't smart of him to
do. Hermione was happy, however. But I have two friends feelings to worry about here, and Ginny will freak if she finds out.

"There you are, love. We were just saying our goodbyes." Ron greeted me.

I hugged them goodbye and we all apparated back to Hogwarts. Ron walked me to my common room, kissing me once more, and we parted. "Pure blood," I said gently, and walked through the portrait hole.

If you readers haven't noticed, I usually add two or more chapters when I do update, so make sure you aren't skipping chapters. See you next chapter my little wizards, I gotta blast!

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