Chapter 25- "What Happened?"

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We scrambled into the dining room while I was still in Ron's arms. I didn't leave them, I was afraid too. Therefore, I ate the mouth-watering chocolate cake on his lap. Two of our hands always laced together.

"Oí, Georgie, look at them two getting all close." Fred whispered loudly into George's ear.

He looked over at us and I swore a sparkle of jealously glinted in his eyes. George was a JUST a friend, nothing more. Besides, I already have Ron and Draco trailing behind me. I don't know what I did to deserve this.

"Sloane, did you ever think of making your hair a brilliant aqua?" Hermione asked out of the blue.

I was shocked that she would say something like that. Hermione was a book worm, always following every rule and guideline, so you could understand my amazement at her. She never did anything crazy like this, or even suggested it, besides all those adventures with Harry and Ron.

"Well, no I havent." I admitted. "It is my favorite color, though."

Ron swallowed his cake behind me, "I think that whatever she looks like, she's beautiful to me."

I kissed his cheek lightly and Ginny, Hermione, and Fred "awwwwed" in delight. I rolled my eyes and we ate until all of our plates were full of crumbs.

"Ron, care to come with me?" I asked into his ear.

He nodded and followed me up he stairs, "The bathroom? Why the bloody hell are we going in here?"

I giggled at his uncertainty, "Oh hush, you." I punched his shoulder, "I'm doing my hair."

He sighed in relief, "Ive always wanted to see you do your magic in action."

I smiled and closed the door behind us. I thought of my hair as my normal brown tone with a hint of Weasley red. Then I imagined freckles spotting my face and my aqua eyes having a darker tone to them. I turned to face Ron who's eyes were widened with amazement. [photo]

"You look as gorgeous as ever." He muttered.

I kissed his nose and we went to my room, falling asleep early and peacefully.

I woke up feeling refreshed. I hadn't slept well at the few nights at the Manor since the walls echoed at night and I never felt truly alone. An arm was draped over my shoulder with heavy snores.

Don't freak out, I keep telling myself. Whoever it is isn't going to hurt you.

I didn't take my chances and jumped out of bed hastily. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Ron, his hair pressed against the pillow.

I shook him until his red lashes fluttered open with shock.

"WHOS THERE?!" He screamed.

I silenced him with a gentle kiss and he relaxed. Giggling, i opened my drawers which I had magiced my clothes into yesterday.

"What will my lovely girlfriend wear today?" He said in his beautiful morning voice.

Ron rubbed his eyes and stood up, hugging me from behind. It sent shivers down my spine and I glanced at all my clothes, swaying back and forth in Ron's grasp.

"Ron you're an angel." I laughed. He smirked behind me, "And I must be in heaven."

I picked out a blue and red flannel, with a gray tank top beneath and a pair of black skinny jeans. I slipped on a gray beanie over my red tinted brown hair and a pair of brown combat boots. Lastly, I turned my ring from Ron so it faced the ceiling and added a brown and ran beaded bracelet. I put it all on after Ron (whom I had to force out) left. [photo]

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