Chapter 21- Seating Arrangement

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"There you are, love. We were just saying our goodbyes." Ron greeted me.

I hugged them goodbye and we all apparated back to Hogwarts. Ron walked me to my common room, kissing me once more, and we parted. "Pure blood," I said gently, and walked through the portrait hole.

"There's the little mudblood." Pansy shrieked as I entered. Draco sat in an armchair and looked up at me with a sorry expression. I had forgiven him, but I still felt awkward about him tricking me.

"Well, well, if it isn't pugface. Can you come up with better insults? That's been used before. Oh, and my mother was a skilled witch you prat. I'm not a mud blood." I said confidently, and trotted up to my dorm.

Phoebe was in the common room chatting with Astoria, who I still had no idea if she knew about Draco. I sat on my bed and picked up the photo of my mother, she was so beautiful. I changed my hair to a silky blonde, curled,and my eyes a crisp icy blue. My skin turned clearer and more pale, my lips a brilliant pink. In the meantime, I added thick black mascara and eyeliner, whipping on cobalt blue eyeshadow as well.

I walked down the stairs to see that everyone had left. I started to walk out before I hand grasped my wrist harshly.

"Sloane, wait." It whispered.

I turned around and was face to face with Malfoy. He was looking at me with affection and apology and I couldn't help but feel sorry. But, he did try to seal me away by transforming into Ron, so the spark of hatred flickered a bit.

"Hello, Malfoy." I said calmly.

He sighed and looked at the floor, letting go of my wrist.

"You look beautiful. I feel ... bad. Is it normal to feel bad?" He asked quietly. I giggled and embraced him in a hug.

"I forgive you, Draco. Just please don't pull any stunts like that again. Are you.. dating Astoria?" I questioned.

He let go of the hug and his eyes dropped to the floor, "No, we aren't. I don't have the guts to tell her. She's hung up on Ron still, sorry if that upset you." I laughed, "Draco, if she touches him, she'll be put through more pain than the Crucio curse."

He laughed a bit and stared into my eyes, "Why do you look like a Veela?" I dragged him over to the couch and sighed, "My mom... she was half Veela. She had beautiful aqua eyes and a bit darker hair than the one I have now. Gosh she was stunning."

I got lost in thought and stared at the fire. A thumb turned my cheek towards them, "Now I see where you get it from." I smiled and hugged
him, "Thanks Malfoy." I let go and walked out of the portrait with him by my side. It was hard to ignore the feelings I had buried inside me, but whenever I thought of that I turned my cheek and thought of Ron.

"There you are, love!" A familiar voice yelled and wrapped his arms around my waist. I kissed him and laced my hands with his.

Draco POV

Why did the weasel get a girl like her, and not me?! She stared at him with such affection, it makes me want to vomit. Especially on the Weaselbee himself.

"Draco? Are you coming?" She asked sweetly.

I smirked and nodded at her and she smiled in response. God, her smile. Her smile makes my heart flutter a bit. Nobody has ever made me feel this way. I'm the great Draco Malfoy, I couldn't feel this way! Not ever!

We walked to the Great Hall, and she hugged me once before sitting next to the Weasel, Potty, and Mudblood. I quickly thought over those names, and sighed. She'd wanted me to stop, but I can't change how I was raised. I know that if I ever want her in my life, I need to change.

That would start. Right. Now.

Your POV

I sat down next to Ron, holding his hand under the table. Suddenly, the empty spot next to me filled. Was there a new student? I looked up to see the most unsuspecting person in history.

"Draco?!" I screeched. He shrugged and glared at all the onlookers. Ron tensed up beside me and I knew he didn't like what Draco had done.

"What are you doing here? Are you on a bet?" I asked quietly.

He shook his head and put a pale hand on my shoulder, "I thought I'd like a new change in seating, that's all."

Ron scoffed, "What are you on, Malfoy?"

Hermione snorted and covered her mouth quickly. Harry laughed at this and removed her hand. I cleared my throat and she looked at me.

"So, Hermione, how's Blaissssssse?" I asked quickly.

Hermione had been seeing Blaise to get her mind off of Fred. Blaise actually fancied her, believe it or not, despite Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle telling him to only despise mudbloods like herself.

"You're snogging Blaise?" Draco retorted. She nodded and her face turned a bright shade of red.

"Excuse me." She responded, getting up hastily and running out of the hall. As much as I hated to say it, it was for the best.

"What the bloody hell was that, love?!" Ron asked.

I had told Harry about Fred and Hermione, so he understood what was going on. Ron looked at our connecting expressions and freaked out.

"Blimey, what's going on?!" Ron asked standing up, ignoring the whispers that sprung around us.

Harry cleared his throat, "Nothing. Look Ginny's here!"

He got up and kissed her swiftly, dipping her in his arms. When they broke off, she gasped, bewildered.

"What was that for?!" She questioned. He smiled and laced heir fingers together, "Because I love you."

I smiled at them, smiled at Ron, and knew that Hermione would probably never get her happy ending because a sister had to act selfish for her brother.

There's some drama going DOWN. What do you feel about it?

Comment on which ones you ship:

Draco x Astoria

Hermione x Blaise

Hermione x Harry

Hermione x Fred

Harry x Ginny

Draco x You (cause I know there's you people out there who do ;} )

Alright see you next chapter my little wizards. Gotta blast!

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