Chapter 17- The Celebration

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It was finally the day! Phoebe and I invited Ginny, Luna, and Hermione to get ready at our dorms for the celebration. We all went in one by one and came out looking absolutely dazzling.

[All descriptions in photo]
Hermione wore a gorgeous floor length, flowing red dress with jewels up the chest portion. She paired it with black flats, and her hair pulled up into a curled bun.

Ginny wore a short, pale pink dress that puffed up at the skirt. The hem sported a black lace and the strap was made out of the same material. She paired it with pale pink pumps and her hair was its normal straight self, with a pink bow in the back.

Phoebe wore a sparkling, gold, key-hole dress that showed all her curves and flowed a bit at the skirt. She wore navy heels that showed her toes and curled her hair in thick ringlets.

Luna looked gorgeous with a fantasy-inspired Lavender dress that flowed at the skirt and the chest was sparkling with floral patterns and swirls. Two straps draped on her shoulders and her hair lay loosely. She wore white vans. That girl was odd, and I loved it.

I let my Lavender hair sway and I pinned a section back with a small white bow. My dress was light aqua and I changed my eyes to match it. A simple lacy pattern adorned the dress and the skirt flowed in a simple translucent style, and solid aqua fabric lined the edges. It was short in the front and hung low in the back elegantly. An aqua belt was built into the dress and I paired the look with white heels, showing my aqua painted nails. We were ready.

We walked down the stairs slowly, and we saw Pansy snogging Draco against the wall. It broke my heart a little to watch, but remembered Ron. Pansy didn't look too amazing. Her hair was in a braided high ponytail, two loose curls hanging from her ears. Her dress was a shiny dark pink, and didn't show any of her curves. The sleeves puffed out and two random puffs of fabric hung at her hips. Her shoes were an ugly green and didn't match at all. Not to mention her makeup was smudged about her face.

Draco looked handsome, though. He had a slick white suit on, with a pale green shirt and black tie. His shoes were polished ivory black, and his hair was scattered attractively on his head.

He turned to me and I whipped to the portrait hole, my girl's surrounding me in a cluster. Suddenly, they all stepped aside as Draco walked over.

"What do you want Malfoy. Can't I have a decent night?" I scowled. He pulled me close and I rolled my eyes. "You look beautiful." He smirked. I almost complimented him, but forcefully pushed away.

"You have a date, and I have a date. Lets not ruin this for ourselves, hmm?" I snapped. "Goodbye."

We regained our cluster and walked to the sides of the main doors. They all stopped and pushed me in first, and I stumbled until I regained my balance and brushed off my dress casually. Everyone was staring at me. I waved slightly and side grinned, one person walking up to me.

He had a tux on, despite the stories I've heard from his dress robes situation. It was slick and black, with an aqua tie and white shirt. His shoes were a polished black as well, and his hair was trimmed but sprawled messily on his head. He looked amazing.

"You look beautiful." He muttered. I giggled, "Not to bad yourself, Weasley."

He grinned and bowed, outstretching a hand. This was so unlike his shy nature.

"May I have this dance?" He asked softly. I took his hand and he pulled me close, "We shall."

The DJ, Goyle, played a slow song and everyone grabbed a partner. He put his hand comfortingly on my waist, the other hand in mine. My other hand was draped around his neck and we moved to the music. Hermione had warned me that he couldn't dance, but I guess he took lessons! Ever step we took was more exciting than the next, soon we were in the center of the hall, the couples dancing in a circle around us.

When the music stopped, our faces remained inches apart, and I could smell his minty breath. He leaned in and clashed his lips with mine. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and our lips moved in a familiar motion. I broke off and I smiled. I loved Ron more than life itself.

"I love you Ron." I whispered, his nose pressed against my own.

He laughed slightly, "I love you too, Wolfie. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

I smiled, though there wasn't a present, his love was all I needed.

"I'd love too, Ron." And I kissed him passionately again.

He rubbed the nape of his neck, "Would you, I mean, could you, I don't know, sleepinmydormtonight?"

I gave him a confused look and he took a deep breath, "Would you, only if you very much want to I'm not forcing you or anything, would you want to sleep in my dorm tonight?"

"Just sleep, I promise." He said, noting my uncomfortable expression.

I smiled, "Of course."

We headed to the Slytherin common room, saying the password "pure blood," and I could tell Ron was offended. The weird thing was, I wasn't a pureblood. It was the oddest thing that ever happened and I deeply believed the hat had made a mistake. I grabbed my green bed pants and white tshirt, hairbrush, toothbrush, and slippers, and we headed off to Ron's dorm. Nobody was in there, since Neville and Harry were still at the dance.

I went into the bathroom, changed, and walked back out. Ron wore red bedpants and a white tshirt as well. I unclipped my hair and sprawled on his bed.

"What a night." I sighed. He smiled, "The best night of my life."

I glanced at him then back at the ceiling, "And why is that?"

He held my hands and sighed.

"Because I kissed you, and you became my girlfriend." He said matter-of-fact like.

I smiled and kissed him again. I slid underneath the covers and I felt an arm draped around my waist and another playing with my hair. I nuzzled deeper into the arms of Ron, and let him hold me closer. I immediately drifted off, not caring that I was sleeping in a Gryffindor boy's dorm.

Yo yo yo! It's 11pm on Christmas Eve and I'm dying to get my GIFTS THOUGH. We have another party tomorrow so I may be updating when I'm bored, cause that happens often. 👌

See you next chapter my little wizards, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas Eve. Gotta blast!

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