Chapter 13- The Rehearsal Disaster

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I pulled away from the attractive teenage snake.

"I'm so sorry!" I squealed nervously, looking at the floor and my feet shuffling nervously, hands fiddling with each other.

I felt his soft grey eyes pierce into me and a cool thumb placed itself on my chin, lifting it upwards to face him. I knew my face grew hot.

"Your such a potato." He smirked, completely ruining my embarassment.

I folded my arms across my chest, "EXCUSE ME MR. DRAKIE-POO!" I scoffed, referring to Pansy's nickname, "You have no right to call me a potato!"

He laughed as I fumed with rage, "Oh, but it suits you well," he leaned back from his spot on the couch and examined me, "Round, tiny, and cute."

I muttered, "Ron thinks I'm perfect."

He stood up, "Weaslebee?! I mean... Weasley!? That no-good, selfish, git of a blood traitor!"

I glared at him, his face tensing up.

"What, Wolfe?" He snarled.

I scoffed, "What happened to you trying to be nice? What happened to the Draco who tried! What do you have against this anyway!"

He walked closer to me, "I'll tell you what." He growled, "I just so happen to be one of your friends. Protecting you, guarding you, helping you, and most of all loving you."

The moment seemed to stop in time. "Love me?" I thought. I felt the words escape my mouth smoothly and he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

Oh no, no, no, no, no. I just kissed Ron! I felt odd butterflies at the same time, this was wrong. My heart belonged to Ronald. Weasley. Though it seemed split between love and expectations. My heart told me to pick Ron, but my brain had to punch me in the gut.

If I really loved Ron, I wouldn't have small feelings for Draco.

I knew it was true, all the time I've spent with him. All the playfulness and sweet banter in our conversation. It was the truth.

I smelt Draco's sweet apple scent as he leaned in. I pulled away and trotted up the stairs, leaving a painfully shaken Draco by the couch. He jerked in my direction and I stopped halfway up my incline.

"Draco... I'm sorry. I wish my heart told me what to do, but my brain doesn't want to listen." I whispered, and silently walked to my dorm.


The next morning I woke up and threw on my special outfit. I spotted an evergreen, lose sweater with a natural-toned floral mini skirt. I slipped on a pair of light brown flats, and hexed my watch the match the old-timed colored outfit. [photo] I added some grey smokey eye eyeshadow, black mascara, and lip gloss. Today was a rehearsal for the band, which Ron added my name to the singing auditions.

He pushed me into the empty room, everyone turning to face me.

"You'll do great, Wolfie." He whispered.

I gulped and went up. There were two judges: McGongall herself and Filch. I cleared my throat and stated the title:

You're Beautiful by muggle artist James Blunt

I struck out my guitar and started singing and strumming in perfect harmony.

When I finished I saw Ron standing from the doorway in awe and I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. McGonagall clapped and Flich slyly smiled, which was very disturbing to witness. I bowed and left, later to be informed I had made it.

I walked into rehearsals to see everyone setting up in the Great Hall already. Food was to be served in another large room down the hall, as were the important meetings. To my amusement, Draco and Ron were conversing normally. Wait till they find out.

Suddenly, Lavender walked over to Ron and hung on his arm and every word as he spoke. Infuriatingly, he never pushed her away. He was enjoying it.

I knew they had history and I couldn't help but grimace painfully as his ears turned red at her annoying cackle. I cleared my voice and began singing the solo song I was going to sing at the dance. I looked around the dimmed room, spotlights adjusting, and my eyes fell upon a twisted sight. Draco was smiling, actually, genuinely, smiling at me. And, in the darkest corner, was Lavender and Ron snogging.

After the song I raced off the stage, tears springing to my eyes. And to believe he loved me was a daydream I had only imagined. Draco grabbed my wrist as I ran past and looked at me with concern. I pulled away fiercely and ran inside the nearest closet I could find. There, I collapsed into a pool of tears.

Suddenly, he door opened to reveal a giggling disgrace.

"Oops, Ronniekins. Why are these private rooms always taken by filthy babies?" Lavender cackled harshly. Ron's eyes filled with pain and regret.

Ron gulped, "Wolfie-" I stood up and slapped him, "YOU BLOODY GIT! NO WONDER DRACO DESPISED YOU! NOW I KNOW HE HAS A GOOD REASON!"

I ran out, not before violently and rationally shoving Lavender against the wall. Ron excused himself and stormed after me.

"Wolfie please!" He begged.

I snapped around and growled, "Save it. You know a lot of what I've been through, seeing me in my previous beaten and bloody state. You charmed me, without a spell, to fall in love with you Ronald. You had the nerve to kiss me, in perhaps the most amazing scene and moment of my life. Though, I never admitted it cause I'm strong willed in that manner!" He gulped as I continued, "Then, to my dismay, I catch you snogging the ex girlfriend who you claimed was annoying, completely out of the blue! You filthy Weasley!"

A tear sprung from his eyes and it casually slipped down his face, "Sloane. It wasn't me. She grabbed my hand and led me back there, I had no idea it would make you feel this harshly. I love you."

I snapped, "Oh REALLY? Cause it seemed you enjoyed it very much, sneaking off with her as well! What were you planning on doing, RONALD?! In a closet?! If you had no intention of snogging in the first place! Beats me Weasley, but listen up. I'm not some backup plan or second choice RON. Chose me or lose me. How dare you ever put me second when I put you first."

I smacked his shoulder with my own as I walked back to the room to gather my bag, phone, and belongings. When I entered, the room went silent. Lavender ran over to the table and gossiped silently to Pansy, who nodded along effortlessly. Draco walked up to me, my bag at hand, and pulled me out.

"I saw what happened. I'm- surprisingly- sorry." Draco muttered. He cared... he genuinely cared.

"Wow seems like you moved on fast." A hoarse voice growled from behind me.

"Oh shut it Ron! I haven't don't anything! Draco is my best friend, and is a lot more loyal and better than you'll ever be!" I jerked to face him.

Suddenly, a hand turned my face to theirs and their lips connected with my own. It was sweet and tasted of fruity green apples. Draco.

I did have small feelings, but this was the absolute worst moment in history to do this! I tried forcing myself away, but I melted into his kiss. It lit my angry heart on fire, my soul dripping away with every second. It was an intense feeling, but I favored Ron's passionate, shy kiss. Ron deserved this for hurting me.

I wrapped my hand around his neck as the other twirled his silky blonde hair. Ron stood their with a gaping figure and stared as I left.

This was going to be a painful 2 weeks.

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