Chapter 8- Mesmerized

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[I don't own the song above, no stealing intended. Thanks]

That night I went to bed early, for the day's activities had wore me down. I groggily checked the clock hours later when the Burrow was silent as a mouse. The light chirping of the crickets was the only noise that filled the house.

12:28 the ticking cream toned clock above my door read. I threw my song book back into my drawer, recalling what I had been wrtiting. Nothing. No inspiration.

I sighed softly remembering the tune to my favorite song and hummed it sweetly to myself until my bedroom door creaked open.

"Hey, Wolfie." The whispering voice greeted me.

I slammed the drawer shut and smiled, "Hey Ronald."

He closed the door behind him and sat by my feet, "I had fun today. With you. I'm pretending as if our quarrel didn't occur."

I shrugged, "Ive put it behind me."

He leaned forward and I felt mesmerized by his eyes. Why Ron, must you do this to me?! I suddenly felt inspiration and felt my song book calling to me from the closed Birch drawers of my dresser. I couldn't take it out in front of Ron!

"Well, uh, I'll see you tomorrow." He said shyly.

I smiled, "Bye Ron."

As soon as the door clicked closed to my bedroom once again, I pulled out the songbook. The words that flowed to my mind came jotting out onto paper. I pulled out a familiar wooden substance from the far back of underneath my bed. I had summoned it earlier today: my mom's old guitar. Suddenly, I was no longer humming my songs, but full out singing them and strumming to the mood as I wrote, completely unaffected by the red head's unknown presence behind my door:
(Play the whole video before continuing. It's "supposed" to be her singing. Also, use some imagination and pretend she's using the guitar. 😂 )

I strummed the final chords and looked at the doorway where he had escaped my grasp. But, he was there, watching me with a surprised expression. Then I realized: I just sang the song that was inspired by the boy standing in front of me.

"Wolfie... that was-" he tried to speak but I cut him off.

"Ron! I'm so sorry! It came over me when I saw you, I couldn't help it! And I know my voice was crap so I'm super sorry you witnessed that!" I cried out suddenly.

He stared at me, dumbfounded on what just escaped my still-glossed lips.

"Sloane," Ron replied, "A-are you saying that was about m-me?"

I gulped and registered the actuality that he didn't know that was about him until now. I had to let it out.

I pushed my mother's old, polished, jungle-wood guitar underneath my bed and fell back into my feather pillow. I sobbed tears of regret that I had just let my secret unintentionally slip.

"Wolfie- I-I feel the same." He muttered, then he escaped the awkward situation by slipping out of the door and leaving me in silent sobs.

The next morning was brutal. Ron and I didn't make contact at all; mostly because I wouldn't let him near me. We say at opposite ends of the table for breakfast and I refused to let him help me gather my things for the express.

"Are we all set?" Molly called up the worn staircase.

I called out, "Almost!"

I heard the others cascade down the staircase in deep thuds as they all let out cheers of joy. I heard plenty of them scream loudly- and clearly- the location of the train station.

"Sloane-" I heard the shy voice mutter from behind me.

I whipped around and was face to face with whom I fancied.

"Ron, I really don't want to talk about this right now." I replied quietly, stuffing the last of my things into a infinity suitcase Hermione had especially ordered for me.

I turned to leave but my left cheek was soon cupped by a gentle hand. It was shaking nervously.

"What are you doing Ron?" I asked a little frightened.

He let go and walked out, leaving me in an endless struggle of curiosity. I sighed and left the room to continue my passage to the Hogwarts Express.

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