Chapter 15- Gryffindor Tower

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We entered Honeydukes. Hermione had told me all about it; such a know-it-all. However, I was amazed. Candy and sweets lined every shelf of the bright store. Students jumped up and down waiting in line to own their delicious treats. Draco looked at me with a smirk as my eyes twinkled in delight. It was beautiful! All I could think about was the lovely cyan coloring of the newly painted walls and the wrappers of the same color.

"Um, not to be a git Sloane, but your hair-" Draco stuttered.

I snapped at him, "YOU DID IT!"

He chuckled, "I think I would've remembered if I turned your hair a sky blue."

I stuttered, "WHAT?!"

I ran to the loo, looking in the mirror with shock. My hair was bright blue, just by my thoughts. I thought of how my gorgeous brown hair used to glow in the sunlight as a child, and opened my eyes. My hair was back to normal.

I ran out of the loo, grabbing Draco's hand and I pulled him to Hogwarts.

"What the bloody hell, Sloane!" He screeched.

I focused on the location, "We need to see Hermione, now!"

He gave me a confused look but shrugged it off and he speed up his pace. We stopped in front of the Fat Lady's portrait and I panted. "Please, Miss, I need to see Hermione!"

She gave me a suspicious look, "Dear, you're not a Gryffindor!"

Draco gave me a look saying we should go, but I resisted.

"Please, It's important! I'm her friend!" I whined helplessly.

"Sloane?" A girl's voice said from behind me. "What's wrong?"

She was with Ginny, and they ran up to me and embraced me in a huge hug. The Fat Lady gasped, "You're conversing with the enemy? I-go on ahead." Hermione giggled and led me inside the common room, Draco not far behind.

The place was beautiful even after the Battle. The room was warm and friendly, a roaring fire underneath a huge brick fireplace, maroon couch placed elegantly in front. The red carpet had swirling golden patterns stitched into it. The walls were a lively shade of brick red, accompanied by many the painting. Above the large fireplace, was a dazzling painting of Godric Gryffindor himself. Two swirling staircases led up to the boys and girl's dorms, connected at the top by a long balcony.

"Wow," I muttered.

Hermione sat me down on the couch, Draco leaning on the back of it and Ginny resting in an armchair beside the couch.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked, noting the worried expression.

I cried out, "Hermione what am I? What's wrong with me?"

She rubbed my back as I let out a sob, Draco's eyes raising in concern.

"What happened?" Ginny leaned forward in her chair. "My hair- it changes!"

I thought of a brilliant red color, and I stroked a strand of my hair- bright red. Hermione gasped and Draco stepped back in confusion.
Hermione, in deep thought, snapped up in delight.

"This isn't a bad thing! Sloane, you're a Metamorphmagus!" She squealed.

I crinkled my nose, "Um, repeat if you will?"

She giggled, "A Metamorphmagus, plural Metamorphmagi, is a witch or wizard with the ability to change his or her physical appearance at will, rather than requiring Polyjuice Potion or a spell like the rest of the wizarding population. They are also extremely rare. You're brilliant!"

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