Chapter 19- Polyjuice Necklace

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I use a lot of time skips, sorry, but it just helps a lot more. Thanks :)

It was already the holiday of Thanksgiving. Halloween had been a blow, for only Luna and a few first years dressed up and went to the Hogsmeade shops to get candy. The shops had huge bowls consisting of chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott's every flavor beans, and Jelly Slugs.

I had on a cute dark grey dress with pink floral patterns, an off white sweater with matching sweater socks for my boots, cream colored booties, and gold crescent moon earrings. I made sure my ring was on and I had my friendship necklace in the pocket of my sweater. Grabbing the watch from the dresser, I slipped it on and pulled up my lilac hair into a messy bun. After, I ran down the stairs, changing my eyes to a soft dark grey. [photo]

"We need to talk." I head a soothing voice say. I looked at the couch to see Ginny, ignoring Hermione next to her. How they get in here?

"Guys, what are you doing? The Slytherins will kill you!" I whispered, and dragged them by the hands into my dorm.

I sighed as I leaned against the locked door. Phoebe was already down at breakfast, and Pansy was never in here. I think she may have transferred into a new dorm.

"Ron's cheating on you!" Hermione blurted.

My heart dropped, "That's twice now. You better not be lying."

Ginny looked confused and I explained, "Ron kissed me one day, very romantic setting may I add, and then I caught him snogging Lavender in a corner. So you BETTER not be fooling me!"

Ginny exchanged glances with Hermione and gulped, "Its not Lavender.. it's who you'd least expect."

Hermione added, "Its... Its... Astoria Greengrass."

I sank remembering Hermione tell me about charming Daphne's beautiful younger sister. I'd seen her a couple times in the hallways, her dark,curly hair, smooth skin, beautiful green eyes. Ginny ran over and gave me a hug. Damn you Ronald, you never know when to stop. It seemed unlikely though, he showed a deep hatred towards Slytherins and especially the snotty, bratty girls. He didn't mind Phoebe though. Draco seemed to take a fancy to the Greengrass girls Ginny told me, and I never let that thought leave my mind.

"How do you know?" I whispered, holding back tears. Hermione replied and walked over, "They were spending time together when he wasn't with you, and we caught them... snogging a couple times. He doesn't know when to stop." She ended with a sigh, and she seemed as if she read my mind.

I hugged them each and left, adding eyeliner, mascara, copper eyeshadow and lip gloss as I walked to the Great Hall. Ron had told me to meet him there, and I wasn't going to let him down as he had done to me. Just wait till he knows what I'm going to do.

"Sloane! I thought you'd never show up!" Ron smiled.

He tried hugging me as I entered the hall but I walked right past him and sat down at my plate. I felt his presence at down at his seat.

"Are.. you that hungry?" He questioned, but I continued eating my bacon.

He thought for a moment and then he slyly wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "I can cheer you up?" He smirked and I snapped towards him.

"I don't know Ron, cause it seems like you cheer someone else up a lot more often than me." I growled.

He seemed confused, "What? What are you talking about Sloane."

I grabbed a necklace hanging around his neck and pulled it off. Suddenly, Ron's soft features grew sharp and pale, losing his freckles and returning with a paler hair color.

"Hello, Draco." I glared.

He looked at me with wide eyes, "H-how did you know?!" I tried his smirk, "First off, Ron calls me Wolfie. Second, he never smirks or is that straight forward with his feelings in public. Third, Ron would never fall for a Slytherin like Astoria, he met me before I got sorted. And fourth," I leaned in closer, "He smells like mint, not green apples."

I smiled sweetly, in a sarcastic way, and walked off happily. Ron, who was trotting down the hallway in his deep stride, didn't notice me. I took it to my advantage and walked right next to him, humming loudly the song inspired by him and looking at an aged poster on the wall.

Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind me and pulled me close. I guess I was wrong about public attention.

"Hello Wolfie." A minty breath whispered into my ear. I shuddered and let his arms hold me up, my body going limp. He hoisted me bridal style into the Great Hall again.

"Ello Ron baby!" A seductive voice said from behind him. He placed me gently on my feet.

"Um, excuse me?" He said, turning around as suddenly Astoria lunged at him, kissing his neck and face all over. I cringed at the sight, Ron completely taken back by the sudden actions.

"That's my boyfriend!" I snarled, whipping a fierce punch right at the face.

She stumbled backwards, Ron grinning foolishly.

"He's in love with me!" She gasped, looking at him for approval.

He turned to me and I whispered that I'd explain later. He nodded and continued, "Astoria, is it? Greengrass? Sorry Astoria, but whatever has happened due to events beyond my control, that wasn't me you fell in love with. I'm sorry, my hearts taken by a lilac maned goddess."

I smiled and Astoria spun on her heel, walking out angrily. Her nostrils flared and I swore I saw steam pouring out of her ears.

"Where have you been all this time?" I asked suddenly.

He widened his eyes and held my hands in his, "I remember, It was all so sudden. I was walking, and I instantly got punched in the head and everything went black. I passed out and found that my robe and tie had been stolen and I was locked in some closet."

I nodded and pulled him over to a closet to explain what happened. As much as I hated Draco, I wouldn't want him to get in trouble for something so foolish. I locked the door from the inside, "It was Draco. He stole your physical features and pretended to be you, that's why you were supposedly hooking up with Astoria. Draco used some charmed necklace instead of Polyjuice. For a second I..."

I was interrupted by a sweet kissing from Ron. My hands draped around his neck and tussling his hair. I broke off for air but then we kissed in again. I truly loved him, forget anything about Draco.

We stopped finally and I checked the time, almost time to leave for Thanksgiving at the Burrow. We were allowed to apparate to houses, since It'd make no sense to take the train to have to come back minutes later.

"Ron, we have to go." I whispered, pecking him one more time on the cheek.

I used my wand and magiced my hair back into a bun and fixed my makeup just in case.

We apparated out of the closet and were on the front step of the Burrow. This was going to be one family filled holiday.

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