Chapter 6- Fighting for Feelings

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We were almost done with my school shopping trip. Soon, I found myself face to face with a store named "Eeylops Owl Emporium." Ron nodded and we went inside to be greeted by the chirps and hoots of various owls. We walked all around until I heard a musical hoot behind me. Ron looked at my expression, confused, as I whipped around, to be greeted with a beautiful owl.

It was dark brown with small white spots, and dark facial disks (the feathers surrounding the eyes.) The eyes were a big, sparkling blue. It was oddly familiar. [photo, left]

"Ah, The Northern Spotted Owl. The females are bigger. By the looks of it, this is a she. You know, their wingspan can be up to 4 feet." A smart voice said from beside me.

"Hello Hermione! Where are the others?" I asked.

She shrugged, "They went back to the Burrow. I saw you through the window and thought I'd help you out. This one is a beauty."

I agreed entirely, the owl was gorgeous. Ron rested his elbow on my shoulder, somewhat flaunting his tall structure. I was pretty average for a 17 year old but I have no idea how old I really am. I tried my best to keep track of the times my birthday was. My dad would usually plop a loaf of bread instead of the 3 scraps he would give me daily on my birthday; however I had no clock nor calendar.

"That's the one, I suppose!" Ron said gleefully.

I went up to the counter and payed for her, then we walked out and sat on a bench that blocked off a nearby alleyway.

"So, what are going to name her?" Ron said casually.

I thought about it and then it clicked.

"Mae, I'll name her Mae." I smiled brightly.

That was my mother's name, or so I was told. That brought me back to my mother, and I realized that Mae's eyes reminded me of my mom's. The pictures showed that my mother was a beautiful woman with white-blonde but radiant shoulder-length hair and eyes much like mine. She's the reason I have my eyes, while my hair was given to me by my father's traits. Her skin was a light tan and smooth like a pearl. Her lips were always a rosy pink and glossed. She was absolutely beautiful. [photo, right]

"Hermione," I asked quietly, "What's the spell for conjuring an object in your mind?"

She shook her head, "I wouldn't if I were you, it could go extremely wrong. But the spell is Accio. You'd need to clear your mind."

I pulled out my wand and thought solely on my mother's picture from my old home. Suddenly, a golden framed picture of my mother appeared in my hand, and my eyes started to water slightly. [The picture is the same one of your mom on the top of the screen]

"Blimey, shes pretty." I heard Ron gasp.

I laughed a small giggle and my eyes poured water, "Its my mother. She died giving birth to me, she was half-Veela and half-wizard. My father blamed me for her death, so he- never mind. Hermione how can I apparate out of here?!"

She gave me a worried looked and shook her head. It was definitely dangerous for me to try that spell so soon based on my training state of wizardry. Ron nodded at her and he hooked arms with me. Soon, I was in my comforting blue bedroom and I collapsed on the bed in tears. Ron sat next to me and stroked my head comfortingly.

Ron Pov

She looked so sad, I couldn't make another move now. Ive been trying to subtly lay hints here and there, but my hints obviously weren't strong enough. Not responding when Hermione entered as to show a liking to only Sloane; putting my hand on her shoulder; resting my elbow on her. Those were small gestures that wouldn't grab her attention. Besides, if she knew how I felt about her, it could completely ruin our strong friendship. Enough Ron! She's in pain obviously- help her out!

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