Chapter 2

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3rd Person PoV

The dark shadow, finally getting his chance, he leaps down from the rooftop. Careful not to wake the sleeping wolf. He picks her up, gently, he was so careful. He picked her up, treating her small body as if it were glass. Carefully he begins walking back to his home, while walking he calls a certain someone, to set up a medical table.
~Time skip 15-20 minutes~
Upon arriving at the figures destination, the small white wolf with deep violet eyes begins to stir. She cracks open her eyes so she's gazing at the men in front of her. Their was a tall one, dressed in a bat suit. One dressed in a suit similar but with a simple mask and blue line patterns. One in a leather jacket and wearing a red hood. Another one that looks like Robin, but with more... red and different gear. Finally, the last one, he looked to be about her age, he had short cropped hair and he was wearing a black eye mask and a robin suit. He had sword, no guns. His strange choice of weapons seemed to pick at the young girls curiosity.

Y/N's PoV

Who are these people? Where am I? What a weird choice in clothing and weapons. Never thought I'd see so many boys in tights. Especially that one dressed  in black, with an 'R' on his chest. Wait. Wait. Wait. Are they looking at me? Oh god, what are they doing? Why do I feel so much- Ow..... Pain.

"Keep still girl. You're injured, you need rest." The one dressed in black and blue said. I can only guess their names so I suppose I'll have to call him, Wing-man until I learn his name. The next one to speak said:

"She doesn't understand English dummy, She's a dog not a human." He spoke in a rough but smooth voice. He's the one dressed in a red hood. I'll call him hood, because well, he's dressed in a hood. I don't think that needs further explaining. The next to speak was the man dressed in a bat suit, who I'm going to safely assume is Batman.

"Quit, arguing we're here to help her not scare her." At least someone knows I'm not a stupid dog! That was for you, hood-man.

"Why bring a dog here anyway?" Said they guy dressed as Robin but with a sword. Who I'm gonna call 'Sword-man'.

"She was injured! And unlike you I have a heart! Besides I wasn't going to leave her there." Said Wing-man. Why does everyone think I'm a dog? I'm a wolf. Not a dog.

"Whatever Grayson. What do you plan on doing with her once she's all healed up?" Sword-man asked. Obviously annoyed. Oh no, does my presence bother him..? Does he not like me? This makes me feel sad for some reason. I'm surprised at myself. Best save that question for later, on the bright side, I learned Wing-man's name or last name. Grayson.

"I don't know, oh wait I know! Bruce!" What do they mean? What are they going to do to me? And Batman's name is Bruce. Wait.... Like as in Bruce Wayne? Playboy millionaire with 3 adopted kids and one of them true blood? Oh god. Bruce Wayne is Batman. That must mean Richard or Dick Grayson is Wing-man, Jason Todd must be Hood-man, Tim Drake is Robin without a sword, and Damian Wayne must be Robin with a sword. If anyone's wondering how I know this, I may be a wolf but I do know some of Gotham's most eligible Batchelors. Whilst getting lost in my thoughts I didn't realize Dick picking me up and carrying me to another room. Maybe they won't hurt me, they sure do seem trustworthy.

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