Chapter 45

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"What the heck is all this?! Y/n!" Casey shouts, seeing the presence of red liquid seeping under the doorway.

"It's blood, can't you smell it?" The doctor said, grabbing the door knob and trying to open it. "It's locked... Alpha Roman! Y/n! Are you alright in their?" The doctor shouted, unsuccessful door opening attempts.

"Y/n open up!" Casey continued to shout.

The doctor pressed his ear against the door, trying to listen in for any information. "The heart monitor's still beeping... By the sounds of it, Alpha Roman is still alive with a steady beat." He said.

"We herd a scream, what happened?!" Both Alec and Alex screamed, rushing onto the scene.

"Doors locked. Y/n and dad are in there!" Casey shouted, pounding on the door.

All three then tried to break down the door, while trying not to fall into the blood splatters seeping under the door. "If this door doesn't open in three seconds I'm breaking it down!" Alex shouted.




Before Casey's fist hit the door, it came swinging open. Standing in the door way was you, covered in someone's blood. "She's dead, relax." You simply said as your brothers plus the doctor rushed into the room.

Granted to your word, there was a female's dead body on the ground. Her face covered with claw marks, arm half ripped of her body and neck twisted into a chilling position.

"Who the hell..." Alex mumbled, being the only one with somewhat composure.

"It was Alice. She tried to kill me and she was most likely working with Kendall." You nonchalantly said.

Everyone was speechless.

The first to speak was Casey. "First of all, are you alright-"

"I'm fine." You cut him off. "Just killed someone, but other than that I'm fine."

Casey raised a brow, as the twin brothers went to clean up the body. "Alright well, how do you know she was working with Kendall?"

"Because she made me over. Cut and dyed my hair, then put make up on me. Plastic princess..." You muttered the last part. "Hate her...." You muttered, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Casey rolled his eyes as the doctor left you two in peace. "Me too. I'm sure the whole pack will hate her." He says. "Anyway, gonna tell me what's-"

A loud siren blares. "What the heck?" You say, looking out the window for any indication of what's happening.

"OH Y/N!!" A loud voice shouts.

You jaw hit the ground. "He's here to kill me isn't he?"

"Not on our watch little sis. Go. I'll prep the pack."

You nodded, running out the hospital and towards the blazing sirens. "Idiot's using a megaphone...." You angrily muttered, cursing both Alice and Kendall. With your mind ablaze, you sped forward, determined to teach a certain someone about not kidnapping people. Especially not you.

When you got there, in all his 'mighty' glory was Kendall standing there, megaphone in hand, smirk on his face, and group of wolves ready to attack.

You skidded to a stop, wolf growling in her head. "This a sneak attack?" You questioned, annoyed as heck. Who wouldn't be?

Kendall smirks. "Where's ya boy toy?" He asks, his voice completely different from what you knew.

You raised a brow. "Don't have one, I do however have a mate that isn't you." You sneered, eyes narrowing in a glare. "And he's safe, and so not coming here for you."

He frowned. "Well poo. Oh well, I'll have enough fun parading around with your head on a stick. Like a true animal."

"You stalker!!" You shouted, anger blaring.

"I prefer follower," he said, matter-of factly.

You rolled your eyes. "And I prefer you to be dead, but we all don't get what we want. Do we?" You accusingly asked.

He gasped. "No wonder you boy toy ain't here. You scared him off. And he was supposed to love you for all eternity... Shame really." He said.

You growled, inner wolf begging you to take her take control. "I'll kill you!"

~Mark My Heart~{Damian Wayne X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now