Chapter 32

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Once we're about to enter Alex's room, we hear a lot of yelling.

"Is everything alright in there?" Damian asks, as I pull him a few feet away from the door.

"I don't think so. It's lethal to innocent bystanders when my brothers argue." I say, eyeing the door.

"All of them?" He asks confused.

"Yes all of them. The only reason they're yelling this loud is because they're all trying to get the last word in." I sigh, knowing I have to go in there and be the mediator, even though I always end up joining the yelling.

I give it a few moments, hearing the yelling stop, I let out a sigh.

"Everything should be fine now," I say, only to be corrected. This time, there's even more shouting, paired with smashing. "Never mind..."

"Should we get someone?"

"No! I mean, I'll text my dad. One sec." I whip out my phone, send my dad a quick text for help and take a breath in. "I'm going in. Stay out here, I don't want you any near this."

"You'll be okay right?" He asks frowning.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I say, giving Damian a kiss before entering the shouting match.

Once I get there, I see Alex, sitting on his bed, Casey about to throw a lamp, and Alec shouting at him.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!!" I scream out.

They all stop and look at me. "STAY OUT OF IT!!" They scream in unison. I sigh.

"JUST SHUT UP! WE'RE IN A HOSPITAL!" I yell at them again.

"Well we wouldn't be arguing if Casey hadn't come here and wrecked it!" Alex shouts.

"FOR THE LAST TIME! Alec's the one who last had it!!!" Casey screams at them.

"NO IT WAS ALEX!" Alec yells.

"I gave it to Casey!!" He retorts.

*7 minutes later*

"SHUT UP STUPID!!" I shout pinning Alec to the ground.

We're all fighting now!

Just as I'm about to punch Alec in the face, the door swings open. I see Dad got my text.

We all freeze in our spots. Me and Alec on the ground about to hit each other, Casey about to throw a lamp at us, and Alex about to charge at Casey. There's bits and pieces of broken things all around us.

"What's going on in here?" Dad sternly asks.

We all look at each other. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" We all yell in unison.

This just causes us to start yelling at each other, this time, about who's fault it was.

"This is what I have to put up with..."  I hear dad mumble, but I pay no attention to it.

"Casey. Alex. Alec and Y/n. ENOUGH. We have company!" Right... Damian's here. "Now, what are you all yelling about this time?"

We all look at each other, then burst into another argument, while trying to explain why were arguing.

"And it's your fault she's dead!" One of my brothers yell. Everyone stops.

I don't identify the voice, I feel tears falling down my cheeks and onto the floor.

"WHO SAID IT?" Dad's angry voice booms out. None of my brothers want to answer that.

I bolt out of the room, my knees threatening to buckle from under me. I brush past Damian, knowing he's probably concerned.

I run around in my wolf form, blowing off steam.

I come to a stop at a lake. I remember all us coming here, having picnics, playing around and just coming here to forget all the stress. I grumpily sit down, taking in the scent of the water.

Smells just like it always did.

'I miss you mom...'

That was the last thing I remember before feeling the tip of a needle plunge into my skin.

Darkness envelopes me.

~Mark My Heart~{Damian Wayne X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now