Chapter 22

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I look up at the night sky, it's filled with stars.

"Are you feeling any better Beloved?"

"A little yeah. Can we go back inside? I'm getting cold..." I sniffle, to add effect.

"Of course, let's head inside. I'll get Alfred to make hot chocolate." He grabs me by the hand and leads me back into the Manor. On our way there we run into Dick.

"Hey guys," He greets. "Omi gawd! You guys are holding hands! So cute!" He says, having a mini fangirl moment.

"Thanks...." I quietly say, sadness from earlier evident in my voice.

"Why do you look so sad?" He questions. "Actually, before you answer that, Talia's here with Bruce. Just a little heads up."

"Too late..." Damian mutters. Dick must've herd this because I'm assuming he's put two and two together. He gives me a sympathetic look. He flashes me a thumbs up, paired with 'good luck' and continues to wherever he was going.

We continue to head to the kitchen. Again, Talia and Bruce are still there. Damian ignores her and starts up the kettle, making me hot chocolate. He's doing this all while Talia is giving me the death stare and Bruce silently shaking his head. I'm guessing maybe I shouldn't have come back. The silence in the room is almost unbearable. Soon after, Damian hands me a hot chocolate. I quietly thank him and began sipping on it.

"Talia, is there anything you'd like to say to Y/n?" Bruce asks, giving her a knowing look. She continues to stare at me.

"Not that I can think of." She says, feigning innocence.

"Not even an apology?" Bruce continues to ask.

"Nope." She says popping the 'p'.

"JUST APOLOGIZE!" Damian shouts, getting fed up with her. She lets out a very audible grunt. Damian looks ready to kill her, and all I want to do is curl up and cuddle with my blankets. I used to do that all the time when I was upset at home.

"Sorry...." She mutters ever so quietly that if we all didn't have superb hearing we would've missed it.

"Thanks.." I say in a loud enough voice for everyone to know that I herd an apology.

Silence fills the room once more. I avert my eyes, looking anywhere but the dark haired woman looking like she's about to kill me.

"I'm, uh, going to head up to my room. It was.. Nice to meet you." I stutter out, very unsure if it was nice meeting Talia. (It wasn't)

I quickly shuffle out of the room and bolt to my bedroom in Wayne Manor. Once there, I flop down on the bed. My mind running through the events of my stay in Gotham. Things have been crazy and hectic, I can't believe how hectic my life has been.

Do I think it's hard? Yes.

Do I regret it? Not a chance. I wouldn't change anything.

As I lay in bed thinking about how awesome my life is right now, I can't help but worry about the future. My eyelids begin to get heavy, I snuggle into the covers of the expensive bed and fall into a 'peaceful' sleep.

Where am I? Why is it so dark? What's going on?

"Y/n....." Who's that?

"You can't hide from me....." The voice says again.

"I love you.... Come out, come out wherever you are...." It says again.

"W-Who are you?"

"Don't you like me...."

"Who are you?!" I scream out into the darkness.

"I'm your one and only.... I love you....."

"I-I don't understand...."

"You'll be mine. No matter how much you try you'll never be perfect or loved. He doesn't love you.... I do. Leave him and love me....." When he says that, I feel a sharp pain in my neck. It's like someone is biting into my neck, right in my sweet spot. It hurts like hell.

"Your neck... It'll be marked before you know it.... I won't stop until you're branded as mine...."

The figure continues to bite into my neck, I try to squirm out of his grip but he wraps his arm around my neck and one across my waist. It's like a hug from behind, but's it's not.

Then, I feel a warm liquid running down my neck.

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