Chapter 26

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'Thanks Alec!'

'Alex.... Are you awake?'

'Y/n? Are you here?'


'Geez. Stop. I have a headache, and your yelling in my head, is only going to make it worse.'

'Sorry. But, you're injured and dying... and I don't want to go through another loss...'

'I'm not dying. And please, stop crying.'

'I'm not crying.'


I bring my hands up to my face and Alex was right, there are fresh tears there. Dang it.

'Okay fine, I'm crying.'

'I know, and I'm asking you not too. I need you to be strong. Alec should be there any minute. He should be-'




Still nothing. I knew it. He's dying! HE'S NOT ALOUD TO DIE!

"Hey Y/n, how are you doing?" Alec says, pulling me out of my angry tears. "What happened?" He asks, concern filling his voice.

"Alex.... He stopped mind linking with me, all of a sudden. I don't want him to die!" I scream, running into Alec's arms, letting all the angry tears fall loose.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down. Alex's not dying, he's probably just asleep because of the pain medication he's been  on." Alec wraps his arms around my shoulders, while he holds a crying me.

"You better be right. If Alex dies, those doctors and nurses are going down."

"Relax, little wolfie, he'll be fine. Now, let's go. We have a party to put together."

"A party?" I say, getting out of his embrace and begin walking to home.

"Yes. You're bringing home your mate. This means a lot to whole pack, they have to know about it."

"So, why the party?"

"It's a welcoming/celebration/introduction to the pack party! Remember? Casey had one with his Luna."

"Well yeah, it's because he's going to be the next Alpha!"

"Well, you know, that if anything happens to all three of us, you're going to have to rule this pack. It's a good idea that people get to know the possible future Alpha."

"Yeah, but there are like two more possible Alpha's before Damian's even considered."

"Yeah, I know, it's just..."

"What is it Alec?"

"Being mated to a human, gives you a lot more power than, a regular wolf. Which technically means, the wolf with higher authority get's to rule the pack."

"Yeah, but, Casey has the higher authority than me. He's older, he's a natural born leader and I could go on forever, but you get the point."

"Yes, in most cases. But, this case is different. The wolf with the more power gets to rule the pack, meaning you, and Damian. Unless Casey challenges you, and you lose, but I don't think Casey would do that. He's always talked about you ruling the pack when you're older, and when you were younger you begged Mom and Dad to let you rule the pack."

"I remember. It's just different now, I don't know. Lemme talk to Dad about it."

"Okay, well. Were here, just a heads up the party is tomorrow night, but Dad wants to meet Damian first. Another heads up, Damian has to be prepared, y'know, dancing, proper socializing and he needs to know about the wolf life."

"Wait, why the last one?"

"Dad's going to quiz him, make sure he's good for you and the pack."

"That's going to be a nightmare, which room is Alex's?"

"Room 312. C'mon, this way." I follow Alec through the halls of the hospital. It's packed with doctors, nurses and other people. Is this all because the son of the Alpha is here? Wow, were like mini celebrities.

"Is Dad here?"

"No, he's training with the rest of the pack and so is Casey. They'll be here a little later though." We continue walking until we stop at room 312. When we walk in, Alex's there and asleep. Thank god he isn't dead.

"What happened?" I ask, grabbing Alex's hand, like the worried little sister I am.

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