Chapter 13

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Y/N's PoV

"And that's why Y/N here needs our help!" Jason finished explaining, while I on the other hand, well. I am trying to hide my rosy red cheeks.

"Okay, so you want to kiss him either today or tomorrow, you know. Before the party, so he doesn't have to bring a date and so you don't need to be jealous." Tim spoke.

"I suppose that would be the best option." Someone said, that someone being Bruce. "Knowing Damian, he'll want you to be straight forward. Not beating around the bush."

"Wait Bruce you want to help me?" I ask shocked that he'd offer some assistance.

"Yes now, you want to do it soon before Damian asks someone. Preferably today, when he gets back from school." Bruce said.

"Alright, speaking of school, why aren't you guys at school too?" I ask Dick, Jason and Tim.

"Day off for us." Was all Tim said and the others just nodded their heads.


"We should head upstairs, Damian should be home any minute." I hear Bruce say. When I hear that I feel a sense of happiness, like a puppy is when their owner comes back. I swear if I had a tail right now it would be wagging. We all head upstairs just in time for the doors to the manor to be open, I was about to rush over to Damian to greet him, but he isn't alone. I see a blond haired marker faced bimbo with him. Instead of introducing myself and talking to Damian, I shift into my wolf form and pretend to be their 'dog'. Everyone else must've caught on because they were sending me sympathetic looks and nods.

"Father I am home!" I hear Damian yell. On instinct the first thing I want to do is run up to him and give him a hug, but instead I walk up to Jason who's sitting on one of the chairs and I gently lay my head on his knee. Jason doesn't move or anything, he gives me a small smile and begins petting my head trying to comfort me.

"In the kitchen!" Bruce responds. A few moments later, Damian enters the kitchen with some monkey chick. Who, I already don't like. She's got almost a death grip on Damian, and she's a little too close to him for comfort. Or at least my comfort anyway. All I can think about is how that should be me instead of marker-face over here.

(Sorry if your names Brittany, just swap the names if it is!)

"Everyone, meet Brittney Lang. She's here to work on a project with me and she's-"

"I'm going to be his date to the party." Marker-face finishes for him. What... No.. I was supposed to... I let out whine, I'm not sure if everyone herd me but I do know Jason, Bruce and Dick herd. Jason keeps patting my head while Bruce tries to make small talk with Brittany. Too bad she's being a complete brat about everything. She's always interrupting him and sending the boys death glares.

"Anyways, where's Y/N?" I suddenly hear Damian say.

"You mean Winter?" I hear Dick sternly say. Damian gives him a weird look, then he looks he makes an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"Right. Sorry, where's Winter?" Damian corrects himself. 

"Damian Wayne! Who is Y/N? Is she your girlfriend?!" Brittany yells in her Brittany Spears baby voice. I swear I went deaf for a few seconds.

"No, Y/N isn't my girlfriend" I want to be his girlfriend. "Winter, is our dog." Damian says heaving an exasperated sigh. He rolls his eyes like he doesn't want or even care about his marker-faced chimp date. "Now can someone tell me where she is?" I look up at Jason and give him a look that says 'I don't want to talk to him now' Jason seems to understand because he then tells Damian that I'm probably outside having fun or some where in the manor. Damian raises an eyebrow but still drags Brittany away from talking to Bruce, saying they were going to work in the study. Even though their gone, I still can't get the negative thoughts out of my head. I shift back into my human form so I can try to keep calm and talk to everyone.

"Sorry Y/N, he already asked someone." I hear Tim say.

"Yeah, I don't like that girl very much." Bruce says. They keep trying to comfort me and offer support and suggestions but I ignore them. I rest my hands on the table for support. My heads pounding, my hearts racing and I feel very angry that Damian's with some other chick. I hate this feeling, I can hear voices in my head. The voices aren't mine and they aren't Damian's. They're saying awful things.

'You aren't good enough'

'You don't deserve to be happy'

'Look what happened to Kendall'

'You're going to screw him up too'

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