Chapter 41

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As the days dragged on, little by little your memory seeped back into your mind. First, it was the young, toddler memories, then the ones about your mother and the many other people that showed up in your life, and finally. The memories right before you met Damian.

You knew why and where you were in Gotham just not who.

"Y/n! I'm so glad you're back!" Casey exclaimed, throwing his arms around your small figure. Which, he had to lean down to do so.

"Casey... Can't... Breath...." He was too caught up in the moment to notice your whisper. "Room..... Getting....Dark.." Your eyes stating to close from lack of oxygen.

"Casey she can't breath!" Alec scolded as Casey quickly let you out of his bone crushing hug.

"Sorry.." He said, shaking you out of your oxygen lacking state.

You dizzily looked at him. "All good." You said, blinking a few times, your face returning to normal colour.

"Geez Casey, I thought we worked this out last time I went out for a trip." Y/n said.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, I can't help it though!" He complained. "You went with mom to some other pack for a visit!"

"So?" You questioned, not getting how relevant this was.

"The trip lasted months!"

"Two to be exact." Alec chimed in from the spot on the sofa with a bowl of chips and his video games blasting on the TV.

"Whatever..." Casey muttered. "Alex's making dinner for us all of us."

"No I'm not!" He yelled from the kitchen.

"You are now!" Casey retorted as Alec snickered and you giggled.

You could hear the exasperated sigh Alex huffed out. "Fine! Next time we buy pizza it's your treat!"

"What?! But we order like seven pizzas!" Casey complains. (High metabolism + three older brothers + dad + you = lots of food you all fight over.) "Gotta love this family..." He cursed.

"Awe, we love you too Case!" You say, making him smile.

Two whole months dragged by and you still couldn't remember anything about Damian. All you knew was that there was this empty feeling your chest and it got a little less empty when you talked to him. But since you had no idea that mating with a human boy was possible, and nobody told you, you had no idea what the feeling was.

But you did have suspicion that was eventually pushed over the edge.

(Over text)

You: 'Why do I feel so empty?'

Damian: 'Not sure, are you feeling alright?'

You: 'I feel empty'

You: 'Like something's missing from my life'

Damian: 'Have you matted yet?'

You: 'I don't think so'

You: 'I would've felt it when I met the person'

Damian: 'Does it feel better around anyone?'

You paused before answering.

You: 'Yeah, you.'

You: 'I'll ask my brothers.'

You: 'You should come to visit.'

Damian: 'Sure, when?'

You: 'This weekend'

You: 'My dad said it's fine.'

Damian: 'Mine too. I'll see you then.'

You smiled.

You: 'Yeah see ya.'

*Time Skip*

"Y/n, are you sure this is a good idea?" Alec asked you for the hundredth time.

You sighed, rolling your pretty little eyes. "Yes I'm sure. He's going to be here soon anyway." You said, stealing a glance at the clock.

You didn't question as to how Damian got to your house. You just accepted that he was here.

When he walked through the door, you felt sparks fly though your body. It was like Damian set your mind free from the cage it was in. You winced at the pain but ignored it. Memories and feelings rushed through your brain. You were remembering everything. Gotham, the Wayne's, Damian, matting, kissing, cuddling, being kidnapped, tortured, EVERYTHING!

"Damian...." You lowly said, although it came out more as a growl.

He turned to look at you, head tilted to the side.
"Y/n, what's wrong?"

"I was kidnapped..." You said, eyes getting a slight far away look in them. "You..." You started, not able to find the words.

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