Chapter 36

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There is a knife to my throat, a throbbing pain in my side and absolutely no chance of me making it out alive. How's your day been?

"Gimme your money girlie." The cold harsh voice commands.

I internally roll my eyes. This has happened too many times.

"No. In case you haven't noticed, I don't have any money. Nor do I look like I have money." Seriously, I'm wearing torn clothing. That's not to mention, stained with my own blood. "You should've picked a more richer target."

He grunts out, holding the blade closer to my neck.

"I wouldn't be so stupid girlie. Batman and Robin aren't here to save ya."


"Well? What are we going to do about this?" He asks, showing off his crooked teeth.

What kind of criminal are you?

As I'm about to throw another insult at the criminal, a voice cuts in.

"Let her go." The harshly chilling voice of the stranger cuts in.

I look to the side, revealing a man clad in black. With a bat thingy in his hand? One important thing though, is he wearing tights?

Do all people of Gotham dress up in bird costumes and save people? Is this a 2016-2017 trend that I don't know about yet?

"Batman, right on time!" He chirps, tightening his grip on me.

I bite the wave of bird themed insults back, saving them for later.

"I said it once, I'll say again. Let her go." He commands, trying to use an 'Alpha' voice on him. Another Alpha male? I could've sworn wolves didn't go around dressed as birds.

"Where's your Robin Batsy?" The man asks. I finally get a good look at his face. It looks sunken in, like he's a corpse. And his hair, it's an electrifying green.

"Joker. Let her go." Another voice rises. I look in the direction of it, and guess what? Another person in a bat costume and tights.

I shake my head in almost disbelief and roll my magenta eyes.

*Time Skip to a reasonable amount of time later*

After the whole fight thing, the two birds men approach me as I hastily get up, and off the pavement.

"What's your name?" The black one asks.

"Uh," Kendall never gave me one... "I don't know?"

The black bird person looks shocked at my answer and the one in green just looks annoyed.

"How do you not know your own name?" He coldly asks.

I frown at his behaviour. "I, don't, know."

He rolls his eyes. Although, I somehow feel a little less hurt than I thought. Do I possibly know this green/red/white coloured costumed figure?

"What's your name?" I ask the pissed off costumed person.

"Robin." He curtly replies as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. So, his parents named him robin?

I tilt my head to the side. "So, why are you wearing that costume? Are you role playing something?"

He looks at his 'partner' then back at me, baffled.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks me.

I look at him weirdly. "Uh, you just said you were Robin?"

"Do you know what I do?" Robin coldly asks.

"You either role play or beat people?" I question.

Robin looks taken aback by my questions.

"Are you okay?" This time, the one dressed in black asks me.

I run a hand through my white dyed hair. "Um, yes?"

"Are you sure?" The one in black questions again. Although, before I can answer that, Robin decides the gently run his hand through my hair and caress my cheek.


I don't say --------------------------------- his green eyes. He tilts --------------------------- he can say with anything---------------------gently pull him down--------level. Quickly before he protest, I capture his lips ------------------------- few seconds to process what's happening but--------------- all the love and passion in the world. I can feel this--------------------------------------------- confirms my suspicions.

*Flashback End*

"Robin, what are you doing?" I cautiously ask him.

He stares into my eyes. "Beloved........." He whispers.

"Who's that?" I ask him. He and his friend gasp in shock.

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