Chapter 35

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"Y/n get up you twerp." A harsh voice greets me. I look up, my violet orbs empty. "I said now. Before I get Kendall here."

I nod and follow the wolf out.

"Wait here. You'll be getting a friend." She smirks. "But before that, it's make over time!"

I nod my head, horror filling my mind.

Hours later, my face is full of pounds of make up. My face has been pricked, poked and scratched. She wasn't exactly gentle.

"Oh Y/n~" Kendall's voice sings out. I inwardly vomit. He comes in, smug smile and everything. "Did you know.... It's almost time for you to rejoin society?!"

I silently gulp, knowing that whatever it is. Is very bad.

"Do you remember your family?" Kendall questions.

I calmly shake my head.

He smirks. The girl giving me a make over shoves a mirror in my face.

Instead of my ombre back and white, it's now just white.

Instead of my natural features, they're all changed. Contoured, sculpted and changed.

There's more make up pilled on my face. I look like Barbie mixed with Raquel.

"You like?" When I don't respond she takes it upon herself as an answer. "You love it." Her crazed smile reminds me that of Harley Quinn's.

"Shut it. Y/n, honey pie, do you know the name, Damian Wayne?" Ken questions, shoving the female away and out of the room.

I silently shake my head. That name seems familiar, but I just can't remember it.

"Good. Now, you'll pretend to not know anything. Nothing about me or my genius plan."

*Time Skip*

Right now, they're driving me somewhere.

After we drive for hours, I see an alleyway. And buildings?

Are we in the city?

"Get out." Kendall commands. I cock my head to the side. "Now."

I hastily get out of the car. The second I'm in the familiar alley, the car goes speeding off. I watch it leave, not looking at much.

I look around the dark alley. I've been here before, I know it.


Where am I....... What is this......? Gotta keep running, keep going. So tired..... Keep it together, he'll find you if you don't keep running! I don't want to go back..... Anywhere but back there. I need rest. An alley, perfect.


I remember this, I ran here after being attacked. I was trying to leave, find a safe place to hide.

I think back to all that time ago. Although, I can't remember much. I get a pounding headache trying to remember. Walking through the familiar streets of Gotham feels, scary. It's nighttime and barely anyone's out.

Scratch that, I swear there's a tumbleweed going around.

Call it cliche but the lamp post lights are barely functional.

I begin walking on a mundane path. I end up walking to the middle of Gotham Park. It's dark, but I can make out certain things. Like bushes, benches, sticks and other things.

//////////////// (------ = Missing information.)

"Wait here.." I say running into the bushes where no one can see me. ------------------form and dash------------- rush over to ----, whose's waiting for me over by the benches. I decide to have some fun with him.. Hehe... I --------------down just a little. Then I charge at him, full speed. Sadly ---- realizes ----------- late. He -------- a-------girl, and --------------------decide to ----his ------.


What's so strange about this place. I recall being here, just, nothing about the people or some of the activities done here.

I look around, studying things around me.

Before I'm about to wander off again, a guy comes out of nowhere. He tackles me to the ground, holding a knife on my neck.

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