Chapter 27

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"What happened?" I ask, grabbing Alex's hand, like the worried little sister I am.

"He got into a brawl with a wild rogue,"

"There's a rogue here?!"

"No. This is Alex were talking about, the wolf threatened his lil' sis. How do you think the rogue is?"


"You know it. It was pretty funny,"  I can't believe he's joking about this, but if the rogue attacks were happening more and they're happening closer to the house, then.

"Is is safe for me to be home?" I look at Alec, he won't make eye contact with me. Uh oh, what now?

"Uh, it's not the safest. But, were all going to protect you, and there is no stopping you from coming home anyway." He says, averting his gaze and rubbing the back of his neck. I roll my eyes and look back at the sleeping Alex in front of me.

"When will he be out?"

"Tomorrow afternoon. In time for the party. By the way, he wanted to ask you for a favor."

"Favor? Please, I know my brother. What crazy stupid idea does he have this time?"

"He wants and, or, threatened, that if you didn't bring Damian to the hospital to introduce us to him, then he was either going to play the guilt card, or embarrass you publicly. He wasn't very clear on which one." I scowl. Wow, I so expected this.

"Alright, alright. I'll bring him over later." I check my phone, to see a text message from Damian.

'Ask me anything, what is it?' It was sent maybe 5 minutes ago. He should be able to text me back. I quickly type out a reply, saying:

To: Dami <3

'What are you up too tonight?' And, sent.

To: Beloved

'I don't think I'm doing anything, maybe patrol. Why?'

To: Dami <3

'I want you to meet some people, only if you're up for it!' Sorry, you don't have a choice.....

To: Beloved

'I'd love too, who is it?'

To: Dami <3

'It's a surprise! ;) Wait for me outside of your school.'

To: Beloved

'Alright, I'll text you later. I love you, Y/n.'

To: Dami <3

'I love you too Dami!'

Aw, he's so sweet.....

"Who you texting?!" A voice suddenly shouts in my ear. I let out a shrill yelp and pretty much throw my phone across the room. I jump back and look behind me, I see that Casey was peeking his head over my shoulder to look at my phone Alec and Alex laughing.

"CASEY YOU SCARED ME! Don't do that!" I scream at him, not caring about the volume of my voice.

"OH MY GOD! Y/n you should've seen you're face!" Casey chuckles like a mad man. I frown at this, then turn to see Alec holding my phone.


"No!! Who were you texting hmmmmm?" Alec says, pretending to go through my phone.

"It's no use, I have a password. And there is no way in the world I would tell you it." I smirk, when Alec and Alex pout at this. Then, my phone has the brilliant idea of ringing!

"Oooooh! Sis~ Guess who's calling?" Alec says, holding up the phone. Damian's calling. Uh oh. I see Alex and Casey smirk. Before I can say anything, Alec decides to answer the call.

"Hello~" Alec sings out. He then cautiously begins walking to sit with Alex. I use my enhanced hearing to listen to the phone call, all while me and Alec play 'tag'.

"Y/n? Is that you?" I hear Damian ask.

"GIVE IT BACK!" I yell lunging at Alec, he then throws the phone to Casey, who surprisingly plays along.

"Y/n, everything alright?" Damian says. I turn around and begin chasing Casey around, then Casey throws the phone back to Alec. Alec throws the phone to Alex.

"STOP! GIVE IT BACK!!" I shout, about to charge at Alex, when I remember he's in the hospital.

"Y/n?! Are you okay?!" I hear Damian worried filled voice say. 

"Y/n, I'm hurt that you would attack me when I'm injured. I thought you were my sis." Alex says, faking hurt and holding one hand over his heart and the other on his head. For effect.


"You're right, it's not." Casey starts, "It's hilarious!" He finishes, bursting into a laughing fit. Alex throws the phone back to Casey, who slowly inches to the door. Before I run at him, I stop dead in my tracks.

We're in so much trouble.

~Mark My Heart~{Damian Wayne X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now