Chapter 42

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"Do you..." Damian started, shocked at this. "Do... Do you remember?" He said, managing to sort out his brain for words.

You nodded slowly, keeping your eyes on him. "Yeah..." You whispered out, almost stunned that you'd forgotten. Before you knew it, you were wrapped up in his arms in a bone crushing, spine tingling, earth shattering- you get the point.

*Sort Of A Time Skip*

Days went on as you and Damian reunited. You both shared stories, feelings and other things reunited people share. Both of you were more in love than ever, always dotting on each other and teasing the fudge out of each other too.

It really showed your family how much you two cared for one and other, and how strong the mate bond was. It had been maybe a week before you even remembered about you being kidnapped and the snippets of Kendall's plan.

When you told your family and Damian, they were shocked and somewhat horrified as their minds went racing with all kinds of crazy plans they thought of.

There was a lot of eye rolling as your brothers decided to conspire different scenarios of how this could play out. Seriously, it was like they couldn't stop. Which they did. You know, after your father made them run laps around the forest. Side note, you and Damian watched them with popcorn as they did. Each lap they did was shared with popcorn a kiss as you two relaxed outside enjoying the sounds of nature and the pants of your brothers. Who, eventually, joined you two by stealing all the snacks. Perfect example, Alex ate all the gummy bears in one gulp.

He almost chocked which, was your version of karma. Your dad scolded you for that one but let you get away with much more.

Everything seemed all happy and smiles in your world, Damian's world, your families, everyone's. Well, maybe not everyone.

A dark looming figure slaved over really expensive lab equipment. Every movement they made were robot like, as if they weren't in control of themselves. It wasn't a good thing, but wasn't a bad thing. Good thing they weren't using their time to terrorise anyone or any poor soul that met them but bad because they were using their time to plot and make a life altering object.

Life altering how?

Life altering because a certain type of metal can kill certain people. I think you know where I'm going with this, but if you don't then, well, more surprises for you. Yay for me!

The dark room around him only made them look scarier. The thickening air around them threatening to collapse a lung and deprive the brain of useful oxygen. But this is how these items are made. Anyone wolf in their right mind wouldn't dare make this but, our little bad wolf isn't exactly in the right mind state. For he slaved his time and sweat over this project.

They spent months prepare and searching for the material, and they only to spend a little longer until everything is set.

"Damian!" You complained in a fit of laughter. This little puppy decided to tickle you. You burst out laughing, and flailing your arms at Damian in attempts to stop him.

Keyword: Attempts

He didn't stop and had that smug smirk on his face that you want to flick him in the forehead. He chuckled at you trying to get away from him, genuine happiness in his eyes.

You took off, keeping a fairly slow pace for Damian's sake to follow you. You eventually came to a stop atop a series of cliffs. It was evening time and perfect for a sunset.

And that's exactly what happened. You stopped, looking over the view just as Damian come up behind you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, keeping you close to his chest.

Today's a perfect day. But just as the sun is dipping under the horizon, the moon rises and so does trouble.

There's a storm around the corner with each second that comes.

~Mark My Heart~{Damian Wayne X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now