Chapter 20

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The room is silent. Oh god, I'm so dead. This is the end. I should've said goodbye to Damian. I should've done so many more things! I'm too young to die!

"You love him?" My dad questions, with a blank stare.

"Yes, I do. I really do." I reply.

"Have you told him?" He asks.

"Uh. Not yet..." I say nervously. "B-but I will" I add in. He gives me one last stern look, then his expression softens.

"So, tell me about this boy." He nicely says.

*Time skip*

"So, he's a good boy?" Alec asks.

"Yeah, I can't wait for you to meet him." I respond.

"We can't wait kiddo," Alex says. Then my phone begins to ring. I look down and see it's Damian.

"Speak of the devil... Hold on a second." I answer the phone to be greeted with Damian's worried tone. Which makes me whine out loud, meaning my brothers look very concerned about this.

"Y/N! Where have you been?! Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" Damian's voice rings out loudly. Oops, forget to tell him I was leaving.

"Sorry! I left for a bit without telling! I'll be back in a few minutes!" I quickly save over the phone. I hear Damian grumble, before responding.

"It's alright, just be back safe. I'll see you when you get here." He says, hanging up. I turn toward my family, all of them are giving me smug smiles. Which means, I'm never going to be able to escape. Escape what you ask? The teasing. The endless, dumb, annoying teasing. Including nicknames, inside jokes and terrible puns.

"Gotta go... I'll be back." I say shyly. Casey raises an eyebrow, knowing I'm missing something. "With Damian..." They all smile. We say our goodbyes. I use the key open a portal back to Wayne Manor. Surely they wouldn't mind me using a little magic.

I open the portal, and step in. When I step out, I'm in the living room of Wayne Manor. I wonder where Damian went. I head to the Dinning room first, but before I go in there, I see Damian, Bruce and the woman named Talia. They're all still here? My mind starts racing. A million thoughts running through my head. Is Damian leaving me?

I can't go in there...

'Yes you can,' My wolf says, speaking up.

No I can't. I can't, not if Damian's leaving me.

'If mate decides to leave us, we'll eliminate the woman in the way'

No! No killing! I mentally scold.

'Yes we can! Mate isn't allowed to leave us!' My wolf continues to scold. We go back and forth like this until I hear Talia speak up, anger evident in her tone.

"Damian. Where the hell is this girl?" She says, rather harshly.

"For the last time! Her name's Y/n!" Damian let's out a frustrated groan.

"Calm down. The both of you. Y/n will be here soon, right Damian?" Bruce says. Poor guy, stuck between the two of them.

"She should be." Damian says, fiddling with his phone.

'Y/n! Just go in there! Like I said before, you're not letting mate leave!' My wolf scolds. But.. I don't want too. I'm scared.

'Mate's the one who needs to calm down. You're feeding off of mates emotions.' Is that how the bond works?

'Yes, but that's not the point right now.' Elaborate.

'GET IN THE DAMN ROOM BEFORE I FORCE YOU!' My wolf yells out, in my mind in frustration. Are you sure you're not the one feeding off Damian's emotions?

'I hate you.' She says. Relax. I'm sorry, I'm just scared. I'm going in the room!

I take a breath in and walk in.

"Damian....?" I manage to squeak out. His heads whips around to me, he motions me to sit down next to him. I gulp, at the tension in the room. It's so thick you could cut it with a knife. I sit down next to him, keeping my head low. I can't bare to meet Talia's deadly gaze on me. I can feel Damian's hand clasp mine from under the table.

"Mother, meet Y/n. Y/n, meet my mother." Damian says. His reply short and cold.

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