Chapter 14

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I watched her with the boys. I knew what I wanted to do now. After Angel and Shai left to go shopping, Dakota and Cobie were sleeping, Alex, Bob and myself were outside relaxing. "Hey guys I'm sorry about the change in the sleeping arrangements and everything." "Leland, Angel is like my little sister, I've seen her thru some of the worst moments in her life. I've never seen her happier either. We don't care about sleeping arrangements. All we care about is her being happy and finally safe." "Bob what do you know about her parents and brother?" " Well she's a daddy's girl, always has been. It killed her when she left them but she thought it was what she had to do. Her and her mom have never seen eye to eye on things. Her mom would tell her to go left and Angel would go right.  Now her brother they were close when they were younger being twins and all," "wait Angel is a twin?" I asked Bob. " You didn't know that? Well when she left it really hit Tony. They lost a contact. She tired to keep in contact with her parents with as much as she could when she was with that asshole but he kept her so, so caged. Her brother wouldn't really talk to her, she couldn't bear the thought of the hurt she caused him by leaving."  That was information that I didn't know about Angel but it didn't matter to me I still wanted to go thru with what I planned.

Chapter 19

It felt like you and Shai had been to every single store on the island. "Do you think they have enough clothes?" You asked Shai for like the hundredth time as you guys sat down to grab a bite to eat. " girl any more clothes and your going to have to put addition on that house" " hahaha I know Hun I know. I just don't want them to be without." You both order burgers and soda. "So how you doing?" Shai asks you " I'm fine." "Angel Marie don't even try to pull that 'I'm fine' shit on me. I worry about you." "No Shai for the first time I think ever, I'm happy. I'm healthy. I know what it's like to feel loved." You finish saying as your food arrives. "So how's it working with your boyfriend?" She asks you. " Oh my God  that sounds strange!" You laugh. "Why does that sound strange?" Shai asks you. "I've never really referred to him as my boyfriend that's all. It's good. When we're at work we're partners."

" you guys know that I love Angel right?" "Dude anyone with eyes can see how much you love her." Alex said looking at me. I looked around making sure that the truck hadn't pulled in yet, reached into my pocket where the box had been all morning. " I've had this for the past month, after last night and her reaction there's nothing more I want to do then to marry Angel. " I said to Alex and Bob. "With her dad and brother not being here I want to ask you guys for permission. You both know how much I love and care about her. I hope you both see that I'm not stringing her around. I wouldn't I hurt her in anyway. I want nothing but to make her happy. If she woke up tomorrow and said I want to go home I would grab my kids and say lets go." I sat the 2 carat princess cut diamond ring on the table. Alex picked up the ring and looked at it for a while, "Angel is one of my best friends, she is the type of person that will give her shirt off her back if you need it. She will fight for what she wants. She'll never give up on you. She is a firecracker. She's hard on herself. If you can handle her and love her and be the support system she needs in her life, you have my permission." Bob looked at me and down at the ring again. " you love her?" "With everything I have sir." "Promise to always be there for her? When you get home and she's crying for no reason you'll be there for her? Promise never to put your hands on her unless it's comfort her?" " yes sir." " there's someone else you need to ask Leland." I was a little confused with what he was saying, but I realized what he was talking about when he turned his laptop around. "Leland this is Tony, Angel's twin brother and Charlie her father and her mother Barbra. Guys this is the man that saved Angel." " with all do respect, Angel saved me." I spent the next hour talking to them and explaining everything, from Chris to my family to my boys. "Mr and Mrs Cobb with your permission I would like to ask Angel to marry me. Tony I would like your permission as well." Her father was the first to speak, " you take care of my daughter. Don't let the asshole near her." "Sir I would go to jail before he ever looked at her again." Her mother was next, " take pictures and send them to us." " ma'am I'll do one better I'll do a video chat just like this." Tony was last and he took the longest. " you hurt my sister and I promise you, it'll look like an accident, I almost lost her once and I couldn't save her from the pain he caused her, but God help me I will not let it happen again." "Never will I lay a hand on her." They looked at each other, " well welcome to the family Leland."  Charlie said.

They all gave me permission, tonight at my parents house I was going to ask her to marry me.

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