Chapter 34

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Damn it. I yelled at her. I hate yelling at her. "Son you didn't have to yell at her," my mom said looking of at me. " I know Mom. I didn't want to bring the boys. Dakota has never yelled a Angel." "So why don't you go and find out whats going on." "Yea I will, I should go talk to Angel first." "Give her a couple minutes. I want to talk to her first." "Mom I'm not sure about that," I thought to myself. "Leland please." "Ok fine." I said as I went to bedroom where Dakota was. I knocked on the door before entering. There was my son sitting on the bed looking down at his hands. "I'm sorry Dad. I didn't mean to yell at mommy. I'm just scared." I moved from the door way and sat next to him. "What are you scared of Dakota?" "That our old mommy is going to hurt our new mommy." "Son no one is going to get hurt. Why do you think that?" "Sometimes I have bad dreams. I remember that day. I remember how sad you were after that. I don't like seeing you that sad."  How could I have been that stupid. "Son listen that was a very bad day, but you know something, your old mommy did something very bad but one of the reason that we came here was for her to tell us she's sorry." "but dad why did she do it? why did she make you sad again?" That was a question a didn't know the answer to. " I don't know son." And we just sat there in silence.

You were sitting on the bed when you heard a knock. Knowing it wasn't Leland, you wiped a tear away as you said "Come in." "Hi sweetheart," "Oh Lala sorry about that, I figured it was my brother," You said rushing around the room to pick up your husbands clothes. " Honey sit down and relax for a minute," you hesitated for a minute before you realized your back was killing you and sat back on the bed. "Good girl. Remember your carrying a Chapman in there, she'll be full of it. Now why do you feel ridiculous?" "I feel like you believe that I'm  not a good mother and that I'm raising your grandchildren wrong." "You my dear are doing a wonderful job raising those boys." La Fonda said as leaned over and gave you a hug. "Thank you." There was another knock on the door. "Come in." you said. There stood your son, head down playing with the end of his shirt. "Mama I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was scared that our old mommy was going to hurt you again. I don't want to loose you or my sister. Daddy said she's not going to hurt you again, but mommy why did she make us sad again?" You looked at your son standing there and then at La Fonda, "Dakota I don't know, but you can ask her today. And Dakota you know you hurt my feelings when you yelled at me." " I know Mommy I'm sorry." He said as he walked over to you and hugged you. "Mommy can we go swimming now?" You couldn't help but laugh and looked at Lala, "Like a dog with a bone," you said. "Yes but you get no dessert tonight for that little outburst. And apologize to your father." "He did already," Leland said from the door frame. "Jesus, man wear a bell!" You said as you threw a pillow at him. He ducked and walked over to you and kissed your forehead before reaching down and picking you up with ease. "Leland Blane put me down!!!! I weigh a ton!!" he carried you to the living room and was spinning you around. "Leland she's going to go into labor!!!" La Fonda said. Leland put you down and kissed you while the boys were around your legs. "Ok Ok Ok, boys go get your suites on." You said. The adults can stay up here or do whatever you want." You said. "Hey babe why don't you show mom some of the wedding pictures. I know you'll bring the ipad to the pool to do some work." " I would love to see them." "ok." you said as you turned around to go into your room to get changed. Twenty minutes later everyone was heading down to the pool. Steve would stand by the gate, the hotel had arrange that the pool would be closed for an hour for you guys. You sat with La Fonda showing her pictures while Leland, Tony and boys had fun in the pool. Every now and then you would see flashes. "how are you handling the paparazzi?" La Fonda asked shading her eyes from the sun. "you know its funny when we're home theres none. When we come state side their everywhere. Oww." you said as you rubbed your belly. "You ok Angel?" La Fonda asked sitting up. "Yea she's just upset today." "I think its time to go for dinner." La Fonda said still looking at you. "yea maybe. Leland, Tony, Dakota and Cobie lets go." You said standing up with some help from Steve. You all left and headed upstairs to get ready for dinner. It was a quiet dinner in the room followed by a movie for the boys with their grandma. Tomorrow should prove interesting.

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